What Do The Devs Of Darksiders 2 Think Of Death?

Before I get into all the cool things shown here I need to get something off my chest. Do you find it funny that the character Death is automatically labeled to be male? Yes the character model is masculine as is the voice, but for something that is more of a Force of Nature over a Gendered being I find it funny that the default is to go with male. Like I said, I find it funny and felt like mentioning. Now to move on.

After seeing the new footage here I will have to say that they captured what was talked about at SDCC this year. Death looks more "roguish" in its movements and attacks. Granted they use the word precise here, but when you think of rogues and thieves I generally think of someone who has a precise plan and sticks to it.

In any instance, the above video should have given you a little more insight into what they were thinking when building Death. If you couldn't tell from my tweets and status updates, I am overly stoked for Darksiders II. I just hope they bring some more information as well as a release date soon.