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Looks Like We Are Getting One More Assassin's Creed Title This Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of September 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Ubisoft has just announced a new collection of titles for the Assassin's Creed franchise titled the Birth Of A New World - The American Saga launch before the newer titles Just in case you didn't think you were going to get enough Assassin's Creed this year with Unity and Rogue launching in November it looks like there is another set of titles coming just weeks before the one-two punch of those titles. All on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC at that. This new addition to the franchise is Assassin's Creed: Birth Of A New World — The American Saga although it really isn't a fully new addition to the universe but a way to get caught up on all the lore and events leading up to Rogue/Unity. Read More...
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Let's Go Hunting With New Assassin's Creed III Screens
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of April 2012 - 06:51 PM ]
In Assassin's Creed III it has been announced that one of the ways to make some scratch to upgrade will be through the form of hunting in the wilderness. Connor can collect pelts and the like and sell them and depending on the quality of the pelt and kill he can make a lot of cash. Cash he will most likely need to use to upgrade all of his stuff. It has also been talked about that Connor can technically assassinate these creature for the best results. So what do we have to talk about here today? Read More...
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Looks Like The Assassin's Creed III "Collector's Edition" Has Been Outed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of March 2012 - 10:24 PM ]
Well more the "collector's edition" and I'm guessing its not so expesive younger siblings as well. Looks like we will have a few choices to make when it comes to pre-ordering or out right buying when it comes to Assassin's Creed III. There are three different "editions" of the game for us to spend out hard earned money on. As usual there is a "Special Edition" that will most likely just be a fancy way of saying "here's a free upgrade for being a fan but not really because anyone can just buy it." Then there are the two others that have quite a bit of extra meat to them. Read More...
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Let's Start Speculating On These New Assassin Creed III Screens
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 25th of March 2012 - 05:58 AM ]
For a game all about staying stealthy it sure cannot keep its hidden news, well, hidden. A group of six new screen shots for Assassin's Creed III have made their way onto the internet and thus into the hands of everyone with some form of online connection. All I have to say is that these images most likely were meant to roll out with some new info of the game. So with that said, let's speculate on what these screen shots mean outside of showing how the new game engine is leaps and bounds over the past ones. So let's see. Read More...
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Assassin's Creed III Officially Announced. Here's The Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of March 2012 - 10:04 PM ]
Last week we saw a load of "leaked" information for Assassin's Creed III. In fact if you look below there are a few more screen shots that we didn't get up before the official announcement. Take a look and then move on to what Ubisoft wanted to be the official announcement. Now that is out of the way, let's move on. While not much more is given out about the game there is a nice new announcement trailer showing how the new engine is looking. Just to place it out there in layperson terms this whole trailer was made using the game engine and not pre-rendered scenes. Read More...
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Is Assassin's Creed III Taking On The American Revolutionary War?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of March 2012 - 07:00 PM ]
While it was chalked up as a rumor as of yesterday, it looks like we can confirm that Assassin's Creed III will be taking place during the American Revolutionary War.  That is, if we are to rely on the recently released box art for the game and the "leaked" Best Buy promotional poster. You can see both below. Go ahead and look I won't judge you too much. Any further details about the game are still sketchy at this point, but this is something we can glean from the box art and poster. Read More...
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