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Murdered: Soul Suspect Officially Announced And It Looks Spectacular
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of June 2013 - 08:53 PM ]
Way back in February we got a nice little teaser for Murdered: Soul Suspect. It left quite a bit to the imagination and then we heard bupkis. That is until now with the following trailer and tease for what will be shown next week at E3. I have to say it wasn't what my imagination went with but it looks downright awesome, even if it is mostly a pre-rendered trailer. Take a look and I'll fill you in on a few other details about the game that have been released so far. Amazing right? Read More...
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Razor Is Proving The Power In The Size Of A Dime With The Blade Pro
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of June 2013 - 10:35 PM ]
I remember my first laptop computer as if it were only a few years ago. It was probably about three inches think, felt like 20 lbs in heft, and could barely keep up with even most of the 'eMachines' currently on the market. That was a gaming laptop from 2004 mind you, but it was top of the line and one of the most powerful out there at the time. Now, almost a decade later we are getting a new gaming laptop that is not only about as powerful as a desktop, but just a bit thinner than a dime when shut and lighter than the smallest weights in my gym. If you haven't already skipped to the video below, what we have here is Razor's new Blade and Blade Pro systems currently available for pre-order. Read More...
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The Wolf Among Us Preview
by Greg Tatterfield [ Friday, 31st of May 2013 - 04:35 PM ]
Last year Telltale games received multiple Game Of The Year rewards for their work on their episodic game series The Walking Dead. Now Telltale is returning with their follow up The Wolf Among Us. The Wolf Among Us is based on the Fables comic book series written by Bill Willingham. Fables is about famous fairy tale characters that come to live in our world when their homeland is threatened by an evil entity called The Adversary. The Fairy tales have moved to our world in an attempt to hide from The Adversary and create a safe haven in New York. Much like the comic Fabletown is where the Characters keep their true self’s hidden from the people of the real world. Read More...
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Parkour And The Undead Is Becoming A Thing In Dying Light
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of May 2013 - 03:43 PM ]
Looks like Techland doesn't want to stop bringing the FPS zombie games with just the Dead Island franchise. Just announced is their new IP Dying Light which, as you have guessed, is another first person zombie game in an island/jungle locale. Before we start calling them out for rehashing the same platform like other developers and franchises, let's see what they have new to offer so they can claim this as a completely new IP. As mentioned in the title, there is a "free running" mechanic in place for starters. There isn't much detail on it as Dying Light is still in the early announcement stages but what is known is that it will allow us freedom of movement throughout the vast environments. Read More...
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Things Are Getting Hairy For Call Of Duty: Ghosts
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of May 2013 - 04:35 PM ]
I am sure we are still trying to take in the Xbox One reveal and the odd focus on TV and Sports. But let's skip all of that for now and focus on the tail end of the reveal. I am talking Call Of Duty: Ghosts and the new trailer, behind the scenes, and comparison videos we all sat through 45 minutes to get to. Even though the Xbox One and 360 will be getting DLC first for the game, as usual, it is still a title that gamers of any platform can sink their teeth into. It looks like we are going into a post war world that has been ravaged by humans once again; the mongrels. Read More...
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Batman: Arkham Origins Gets A New Trailer And Reveals
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of May 2013 - 09:14 PM ]
Last week we got a pretty lackluster "teaser" for the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins title still in the works at Warner Bros. Games Montreal. Granted it came along with a short time span before we were supposed to get a full trailer for the game. The wait is now over and the trailer has been released in its full five minute version. Unfortunately, it doesn't do much in the way of showing the actual game nor does it do much more than show a beautifully fully rendered fight scene. Don't get me wrong, I think the below "trailer" looks pretty cool but it is like saying the next WoW expansion is a trailer for the game. Read More...
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The Brothers Rapture Show Us Another Slice Of Rapture
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of May 2013 - 07:57 PM ]
It could be just me, but I'm pretty sure we would all love to see an amazing silver screen adaptation of BioShock. I'd like to think that we haven't yet because of worry that fans would not accept it unless it is top notch. So what do we get in the interim? Well if you haven't scrolled down yet, we get some pretty amazing short films produced by fans for the fans. The most recent one called The Brothers Rapture. The following short film follows the dark tale of two brothers who have moved to Rapture to escape some of their past hardships and to create art without hindrance. Read More...
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Review: Metro: Last Light
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of May 2013 - 05:09 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Metro: Last Light. The wait is over for the sequel to Metro 2033. Metro: Last Light is upon us and is continuing the saga of humanity's decimation and Artyom. Let's get down to brass tacks with how Last Light plays and feels. Story The story picks up with Artyom after following the "bad ending" of 2033. That would be allowing the Dark Ones to get blown to hell after they threatened the last safe haven of humanity in Russia. It turns out that one of these "Dark Ones" survived and has been spotted. Read More...
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Here Is The PAX East Saints Row IV Demo
by Greg Tatterfield [ Friday, 10th of May 2013 - 06:26 PM ]
A few months ago at PAX East I got a chance to see the crazy new features of Volition's Saints Row IV first hand and brought you the coverage here on Aggrogamer. Now is your chance to see it as Volition has released the tech demo to the public. So if you did not get to attend PAX East this year this is the perfect opportunity to catch up on all the superpower and dub step gun goodness. Saints Row IV takes place right where Saints Row The Third left off. The Leader of the saints has been elected President Of The United States and continues his rise to fame. Read More...
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Remember Me Is Sounding A Lot Like Inception Mixed With The Matrix
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of May 2013 - 08:34 PM ]
Admit it, the more you see on Remember Me, the more links that can be made to the title mentioned films. That is at least after checking out the new 'Memory Trailer' that hit the web recently. It touches upon pretty much one of the core aspects of the game, story and game play-wise. Memory if you somehow forgot about it by now. I'll let the video delve deeper into things, but here are a few interesting things I pulled out of. So we all should know that Nilin has the ability to "rework" the memories of pretty much anyone in the game. Read More...
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More Screen Shots For Batman: Arkham Origins To Show The World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of May 2013 - 11:01 PM ]
Who wants a butt load of new screen shots for Batman: Arkham Origins? You do of course. This should be something to help tide us over until we get some actual in-game footage or at least an awesome CGI trailer. Hopefully that won't be too far off. I'm thinking at least a month, if not sooner. We'll have to see. Maybe they are still trying to work out the Voice Actors still. Anyway, the following images do show off some cool action shots as well as a few villains. Read More...
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Call Of Duty: Ghosts Officially Revealed
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 1st of May 2013 - 11:02 PM ]
Activision has confirmed that the rumored Call Of Duty: Ghosts will in fact be the next installment in the long running FPS franchise. Not many details on the game were revealed by Activision aside from a teaser trailer and a promise for a bigger reveal during the Xbox: The Next Generation Revealed Event on May 21st. Activision also announced that the game will be released on November 5th for the PS3, Xbox 360, PC, PS4 and the new Xbox. As for plot details none were revealed but the box art hints at a prequel to the Modern Warfare games. Read More...
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Live Action Tease Declassifies The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of April 2013 - 06:54 PM ]
Last week we got an awesome announcement that the XCOM title we saw back in 2011 is still alive and has not been fully canceled. There was also the promise of new information to come "soon." Who would have thought that the information, not to mention release date, would have come so shortly after the re-announcement? I'm a bit surprised and excited. Oh…wait…It's just a live action trailer and a few screen shots? Read More...
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Finally We Are Going To Get New Details On The FPS XCOM
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of April 2013 - 09:00 PM ]
Ah… I remember back in 2011. Sitting in a dark room at E3. Waiting to see what 2K had to show us for the new XCOM title they were bringing. Then I remember not seeing a gods damned thing about it for almost two years. It looked so amazing and then I was crushed thinking it was never going to see the light of day. At least that was until there was a blog posting on the 2K Blog. Here is a copy for you so you don't have to click out. Read More...
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Review: Dead Island: Riptide
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of April 2013 - 08:46 PM ]
Back in 2011 we were all introduced to the wonders that could be a Zombie RPG with Dead Island. Two years later now we get to see how everything has progressed story-wise and engine-wise with Dead Island: Riptide. Is it just another crappy sequel that seems to be all the rage, or does it stand out on its own? Continue on to see what I thought. Story We pick up with the "Immune Fab Four" directly after the events of Dead Island. Read More...
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