Live Action Tease Declassifies The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Oh…wait…It's just a live action trailer and a few screen shots? At least there is the following snippet of the game's story.

The year is 1962, JFK is President and the Cold War has the nation gripped by fear — but a far more powerful and insidious enemy than communism is threatening America. Known only to a select few, a top-secret government unit called The Bureau begins investigating and concealing a series of mysterious attacks by an otherworldly enemy. As special agent William Carter, players call the shots, pull the trigger and lead their squad in a gripping third-person tactical shooter set within a high-stakes, covert war to protect humanity. The Bureau's mission is clear — survive, adapt and overcome the enemy threat. The Bureau has been erasing the truth for decades. The time will come for the truth to be revealed.

Well it also looks like it is no longer a FPS game either. Now that is exciting news in my opinion. Not only because I am getting tired of FPS games, but because this opens up quite in the visual department that would have been limited in a FPS. It will most likely lead to another "cover based" game, but when you are trying to show off some craziness that could have happened in the 60's, I'll take fashion over function. Unless the function is deployed horribly. Then I could care less what my character is wearing/holding.

We'll all find out soon for sure though. With E3 right around the corner and the release date of August 20th, I'm sure we will be seeing loads more soon. Keep an eye here or on for details.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified The Bureau: XCOM Declassified The Bureau: XCOM Declassified