Don't get me wrong, I think the below "trailer" looks pretty cool but it is like saying the next WoW expansion is a trailer for the game. It is just PR fluff that looks amazing but doesn't truly represent what we the players will get in the end. Unless there is going to be a big reveal in the future, which is unlikely, that Warner Bros. have mastered all systems and consoles to the point that this is actual game play. Like I said, unlikely.
Now while the video doesn't give much more than we already know, the screen shots do show a bit of actual game play. Not to mention, they also show that the Joker will once again play some kind of role in the madness of Gotham. It could be a small role. It could be a major twisting point. Up until now it was assumed to be something that led up to where the story in the franchise would be melding together as Origins is just that, a prequel to Arkham Asylum and City.
If I had to put money on it I'd say that The Joker is the true mastermind behind the assassin's coming in and trying to whack Batman for Christmas. Much like in the other titles, it will begin to look like that is not the case but then you find out that the Ace of Knaves was truly pulling the strings; most likely through the guise of the Red Hood. This of course is just my speculation, but given the fact that we have turned to prequels and rehashing the same ideas over and over, it seems fitting.
In the terms of game play, I think it is safe to assume that there will be "challenge maps" again much like before. Mainly because one of the pre-order bonuses is that you get to play as Deathstroke it follows much like Nightwing and Robin from before. Granted it would be amazing if the bonus let you flip the script and actually play the game hunting down Batman. I'm talking the entire campaign too, not just a few side story missions to fill in the gaps. That would be amazing, but also highly doubtful.
What do you think? Sound off below and be heard.