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First Jason And Now Freddy Slashing Away
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 09:14 PM ]
Rumor: Europe Might Be Getting A Xbox 360 Price Cut So yesterday I talked about how and why the PS3 might get a much needed price slash. Now it turns out that the Xbox 360 might be getting one as well. The big difference in these two stories is that this one seems more like a fact than a rumor, unlike the PS3 report. This should go into effect some time before the Easter sales period and it is reported to be a 50 EUR drop down on all systems. Making the ranges of the systems down to 150 EUR for the Arcade Version, 200 EUR for the Premium, and 240 EUR for the Elite version of the system. Read More...
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Kai Kicks Nariko Out…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 06:52 PM ]
Info about Heavenly Sword II We all knew it would happen, with Heavenly Sword being a huge game. Not to mention being featured on Heroes. Good news on this is that it has been written already and production is going. Another interesting thing that people didn't know is that they were asking us normal folk, from here on in Normies, our opinions. Before you ask "Where?", it was a focus group out of Chicago last night. Read More...
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Double Axe For Wii
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 06:17 PM ]
Guitar Hero III Gets New Pack So you might have heard or been mixed up in the fiasco of the Mono-sound issue with the Wii version of the game. If you signed up for the replacement disc, I'm sorry for you since that doesn't seem to be going to well, at least from what has been reported to me. I hear it is a long turn around time to get your disk shipped back to you. So you might want to pick up another game in the mean time to fill the void of the wait. No More Heroes is a good choice, but I digest. Read More...
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Audiosurf: Steam's Best Selling Title In February
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 05:47 PM ]
Audiofurf is one of the best selling games according to Steam and Valve Valve sent over a press release on my favorite game Audiosurf. Don't forget our interview with Audiosurf just in case you missed it. "Independent Music Game Phenomenon Tops Orange Box, and More March 5, 2008 - Audiosurf, the innovative and award-winning title that allows gamers to "ride their music," topped the February sales charts for dollars and units sold via Steam, a leading online platform for the distribution and management of PC games with over 15 million accounts worldwide." In addition to outselling The Orange Box, Counter-Strike, and hundreds of other great games available via Steam, the month of February also delivered numerous awards and top reviews to Audiosurf's solo author, Dylan Fitterer. "The critics are calling Audiosurf one of the most innovative music games ever released. Read More...
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TramaPWN = Who Is With Me!
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 10:57 PM ]
Can you really trademark the term Pwned or Pwn As we all know, PWN or PWNED is a slang term (which belongs to gaming the community) that implies domination or humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent that has just been soundly defeated. Past tense is sometimes spelled pwnt (pronounced with a t sound) or pwned (with the standard d sound). Examples include "distributing the pwnage" or "you just got pwned". It can also be used, especially by non-gamers, in the context of getting "pwned" by The Man. Read More...
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GameSpot Looking For A Few Good Men/Women
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 06:49 PM ]
GameSpot Looking For Some New Staff Members Do you like money? Do you like games? Do you like to make sure people hear your opinions on games? Now if only you could have a job doing just that. Oh wait, CNET/GameSpot is looking for just that. So if you have some amount of writing talent, or at least more than me, take a gander at these new openings. Who knows you could be the person we all go to to see if a game is worth it. Now that I have sensationalized the whole thing way out, the short and dirty of it is that they are looking to fill three spots. Read More...
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New Bronze Age for the PSP
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:47 PM ]
Japan Gets A New Color For The PSP - Bronze Not only do they get all the new stuff first, they also get all the other iterations of colored PSPs. Coming on the 24th of April, they can add yet another color to their arsenal of colored PSP. It will be a Bronze color, like the title said (Yea I know, big surprise right?). This of course comes about a month after the Monster Hunter limited edition version of the PSP. Read More...
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Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:15 PM ]
Annalist think there will be another Price cut for the PS3 It is nothing official announced by Sony at all, but looking at it from a financial stand point, it makes sense. They have been trying to break even on the cost of production and advertisement costs that they have already paid. Hence the high price at launch, and really right now as well. But with the announcement of Blu-Ray being the new video format and the fact that there are a bunch of new bundles coming, they should be in the green very soon. Which brings us to why the price cut. Read More...
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MGS4 Content Barely Fits Inside Box
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 06:00 AM ]
MGS4's Content to massive to fit on anything but Blu-Ray According to a few sites out there, it has been stated that there is no English track on the new Metal Gear game for the fact that it just couldn't be fit on to the Blu-Ray disk. So no subtitles or English voice track on the Japanese version. Which means that unless you can speak and read the language, you will have to wait for the game to come in your language instead of importing. Sounds bad at first, but that means that they used up the entire 50GB there has to be a really long game or a game that will blow everyone's minds. Read More...
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Opening Acts For Aerosmith
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:58 AM ]
Aerosmith's Version of Guitar Hero Ok, so this might fix the new Guitar Hero game due out in June. When they announced the next iteration of the franchise was going to be an Aerosmith version, I know I groaned at it. Not saying I hate the band, but what is fun about playing only one band's songs. But digging a bit further, they will have "Opening Acts" and "Special Guests" in the game. These will be bands that Aerosmith chose to be in the game along side them. Could make sure the game doesn't flop out. Read More...
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Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:56 AM ]
Emotiv EPOC™ Needs Beta Tester So I posted before about how Emotiv was bringing a controller onto the market that used brain waves to control the game. It was in the old news section before you start searching for it. There were a few videos of other reporters using the device to lift in game items or make them vanish. The ultimate Jedi training simulator. Well now it looks like they are ready to push forward with the whole thing and push it into closed beta. Read More...
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Red Alert 3 Beta To Be Included With Command & Conquer 3: Limited Collection
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 04:18 AM ]
If you purchase the Command & Conquer 3: Limited Collection you will be getting into the beta for Red Alert 3 reporting that EA to sell C&C 3 Collection along with Red Alert 3 beta access: On March 24, for $49.99, you'll be able to pick up the package that will contain the combined 45 single-player missions that make up two decades of Tiberium lore, from the rise of Kane and the rebirth of Nod all the way through the Third Tiberium War and beyond. Also included are over two hours of the franchise's trademark high-definition, live-action movies starring Natasha Henstridge, Josh Holloway, Michael Ironside, Billy Dee Williams, and of course Joe Kucan as Kane. Read More...
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Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 01:21 AM ]
A new study shows that 38 percent of gamers are women Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises Source: Wired A recent list of facts published by the Entertainment Software Association reveals that 38 percent of gamers are women, despite common stereotypes that say otherwise. Read More...
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Indie Game Showcase 2008
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 3rd of March 2008 - 09:23 PM ]
The 2008 Indie Game Show case is looking for contestants and it could be you I just got word that Indie Game Showcase 2008 is looking for games to be voted on. This time around they are awarding, Student Developer Award, which will have a cash scholarship award. It's time for ECD Systems' INDIE GAME DEVELOPER'S CONTEST and we are now accepting game entries. This is our annual event to showcase new games and talent. Great prizes. Read More...
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Left 4 Dead New Media And Preview
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 3rd of March 2008 - 06:29 AM ]
IGN has given us an awesome look at Left 4 Dead this week Left 4 Dead was the center of attention this weekend as a result of exclusive coverage from Game Trailers and a preview by IGN. The IGN preview focuses on the experience of playing as the various infected bosses - the hunter, smoker, boomer, and tank. Read More...
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