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Petition Against Trademarking "Pwnage"
by Alyssa Porter [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 08:34 AM ]
As we all have heard Futuremark Game Studios recently requested to have pwnage trademarked and the gaming indusrty was fuming. Recently a petiton came to my attention and I urge all of you who disagree with the trademarking of this typo turned cultural phenomenon. It is an easy process I swear! Read More...
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PWNED Radio Interview Sunday & MTV Finds
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 6th of March 2008 - 11:10 PM ]
PWNED Radio talks about the trademark issues First let me thank Stephen Totilo for reading my recent article that I wrote about the entire situation with a company (Futuremark) thinking they deserve the rights to Trademark the word "PWNAGE". So if you love please hit up the links and read all about it. Onto the other great and amazing news. Our very own Andy Briggs COO/Director of Development and Fun along with me "BlueWolf72" will be on: PWNED RADIO Sunday's 8PM-10PM EST 97. Read More...
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TramaPWN = Who Is With Me!
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 10:57 PM ]
Can you really trademark the term Pwned or Pwn As we all know, PWN or PWNED is a slang term (which belongs to gaming the community) that implies domination or humiliation of a rival, used primarily in the Internet gaming culture to taunt an opponent that has just been soundly defeated. Past tense is sometimes spelled pwnt (pronounced with a t sound) or pwned (with the standard d sound). Examples include "distributing the pwnage" or "you just got pwned". It can also be used, especially by non-gamers, in the context of getting "pwned" by The Man. Read More...
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