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Guitar Hero's Quest To Make Things Easier
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of August 2010 - 09:40 PM ]
There has always been a huge division between Rock Band and Guitar Hero. For me it was the difficulty factor for each and not completely about the sound tracks or "story" of the career mode. For a while it was Guitar Hero that was hard just to be hard and Rock Band with some form of a story mode - at least when it comes to the off shoots. That was until I started playing Guitar Hero 5 and found that the difficulty has been toned WAY down; mainly in the way of lenience on the precision of button timing. I have played so many songs on expert and have been able to hit notes I should have never been physically able to hit do to timing and finger placement. Read More...
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Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock Unveiled
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 4th of June 2010 - 04:41 PM ]
For all of you who think you don't have enough undersized plastic guitars littering your dorm rooms, publisher Activision and developer Neversoft (previously of Tony Hawk fame) have announced the 6th major installment of its flagship Guitar Hero franchise. What's new this time around you may ask? That's an interesting question with a long winded answer (is there any other kind from me?). Guitar Hero: Warrior of Rock will tout a full featured story mode narrated by and starring Gene Simmons of Kiss and Family Guy fame. Read More...
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Double Axe For Wii
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 06:17 PM ]
Guitar Hero III Gets New Pack So you might have heard or been mixed up in the fiasco of the Mono-sound issue with the Wii version of the game. If you signed up for the replacement disc, I'm sorry for you since that doesn't seem to be going to well, at least from what has been reported to me. I hear it is a long turn around time to get your disk shipped back to you. So you might want to pick up another game in the mean time to fill the void of the wait. No More Heroes is a good choice, but I digest. Read More...
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