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Get Ready For A Fight At SDCC With Street Fighter 6
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of July 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Street Fighter Street Fighter 6 will be on display at SDCC this year along with various other titles from Capcom to enjoy It would not be an SDCC if Capcom was not out there and showing off all of their various wares or hyping up the next big Street Fighter title out there. Sometimes this is hyping up one that is already out there, but in the case of this year, we will be seeing a version of the upcoming title in the mix. Not only seeing it in the form of a developer's panel, but Street Fighter 6 will be playable on the show floor for those lucky enough to be able to attend SDCC next week. It will not be the full title, but a solid demo that will let us all play around with Luke, Jaime, Ryu, and Chun-Li in a fun little environment. Read More...
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A Behemoth Of An Update Just Hit Monster Hunter: World For The Cross Event
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 2nd of August 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter Another huge update for Monster Hunter: World is here for the crossover event and this one adds a massive monster to hunt down in Monster Hunter: World The next major update for Monster Hunter: World is here for the crossover event that is going on with the Square Enix property. It is out there as of now to download and add to your game so you can see more of those Final Fantasy XIV monsters in the world that Capcom has built here. Namely the massive Behemoth that has always been the bane in all of the other FF titles throughout history. Now it will be stalking the grounds of Monster Hunter: World and tasking us to team up to bring it down for rewards and fame in that game. Read More...
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Enter The World Of Capcom Out At Comic-Con International
by Jana Lass [ Tuesday, 17th of July 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Capcom We have a list of everything Capcom will have out at SDCC this year coving all the Capcom IPs from Resident Evil to Mega Man to Street Fighter Heads up for all of you Capcom fans out there as they are bringing many of their games to San Diego Comic-Con this year through both demos, panels, and autograph sessions. It will not be all of their titles, of course, but it looks like the focus will be on the Resident Evil 2 remake, Mega Man 11, and the Mega Man X Collection that are all coming in the next six months at different times. Also, it looks like Street Fighter will have its presence out at the event but not in a gameplay demo kind of way. Read More...
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The Final Fantasy XIV & Monster Hunter: World Collaboration Kicks Off In August
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 16th of July 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter The date for the Final Fantasy XIV x Monster Hunter: World collaboration has kicked off with how Monster Hunter: World will have its homage in the Final Fantasy MMO We now have an official date on when Monster Hunter: World will be crossing over into Final Fantasy XIV since we first heard about it at E3. It would have been nice for Square Enix to give this date back then, but maybe Capcom just was not ready for this to happen and held it off. All of that would be weird given that the official date we will see this Final Fantasy and Monster Hunter mix up will now be on August 7th. Read More...
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Monster Hunter: World Finally Coming To PC This August
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 9th of July 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter We now have a release date for Monster Hunter: World on PC as well as the specs we will need to have to run Monster Hunter: World on our systems The wait is almost over for those PC gamers out there who have been holding out for Monster Hunter: World to launch on the platform. We now have a release date for when we can see the game there and it has been set by Capcom as August 9th now. You will no longer have to sit back and watch all of your PS4 and Xbox One friends playing Monster Hunter: World to their heart's content while you sit alone and waiting. You will soon be able to have your own fun with your other gaming friends and be able to talk about your experiences with those console gamers. Read More...
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Get Ready To Face The Challenges Of Monster Hunter: World's Rotten Vale
by Julia Schoebel [ Tuesday, 23rd of January 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter We have another location to look at for Monster Hunter: World, as we get ready for the short wait until this addition to the Monster Hunter franchise drops The beta for Monster Hunter: World is over and we will see it land on the PS4 and Xbox One here on January 26th, but that does not mean we are done getting small looks at the game and its world. I say this as Capcom has brought yet another area of the game's world to us with the Rotten Vale. An area that looks to house some of the viler and putrid monsters out there for Monster Hunter: World. Read More...
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Travel To The Coral Highlands Here In Monster Hunter: World
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 15th of January 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter Some new gameplay for Monster Hunter: World is here and it takes to the Coral Highlands of Monster Hunter: World with a few new creatures to look at New gameplay for Monster Hunter: World has been released and this time it looks like Capcom is taking us to new lands in this one to take on some other big monsters in the game. Here we have a look at the Coral Highlands that will give us the feeling of being in an underwater landscape while not actually being in that setting. It is a pretty location and looks to be filled with all kinds of extra monsters that we should be expecting in a title named Monster Hunter: World. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 1/2/18 — 1/5/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 6th of January 2018 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week There we go with the first week of video games in the bag and we hit the ground running pretty hard. It may not have been filled with the biggest of titles or the most news, but we did have a whole lot of new content to go through and look into. We even had a few titles listed here that will be releasing in the coming weeks that some may have only heard of for the first time here. Not to mention all of the Monster Hunter: World and God Of War information we had dropped on us out of nowhere. Read More...
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Track The Elder Dragons One By One In Monster Hunter: World
by Julia Schoebel [ Friday, 5th of January 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter Another beta for Monster Hunter: World is coming to the PS4 and along with that comes announcements for future updates coming to Monster Hunter: World Good news for those looking to dive into Monster Hunter: World again before it officially launches on January 26th. At least it is good news for those who are going to be playing the game on the PS4 as it looks like Capcom is going to hold another beta just before the launch. Starting on January 18th and until January 22nd, those looking to get a taste of Monster Hunter: World, and help make sure the servers are running well before launch, can dive back in and take on all of the monsters from before as well as Nergigante. It looks to be free just as the last one was, as long as you are a PlayStation Plus subscriber at least. Read More...
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Monster Hunter: World Has Been Confirmed To Have A PC Release
by Julia Schoebel [ Wednesday, 3rd of January 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Monster Hunter It has been officially announced that Monster Hunter: World will be coming to the PC so all will be able to experience the Monster Hunter fun out there The beta for Monster Hunter: World may have come to a close and we are all now eagerly waiting for it to hit the PS4 and Xbox One on January 26th but that all would be leaving the PC gaming side of it all out there in limbo for now. Not wanting to do that, it looks like Capcom has finally made it official that the game will be heading out to PC gamers as well. They will only have to wait a bit longer as Monster Hunter: World will not be gracing that platform until sometime in Autumn of this year. Read More...
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Monsters, Controllers & Previews, Oh My!
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 12th of February 2010 - 05:44 PM ]
Skepticism reigned as I sat down to play Monster Hunter Tri, but it began to dispel as I took the new Wii Classic Controller Pro in my hands and looked across the table at Binh, who was joining me for some co-operative hunting on another Wii. Capcom is breaking ground bringing the immensely popular Monster Hunter series to the Nintendo Wii along with this brand new controller. Though the franchise is huge in Japan, but not nearly as well known here in Europe and North America, Capcom looks to indoctrinate a new audience. If what I played at CES is any indicator, they are off to a good start. Read More...
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XBox 360 Gets Monster Hunter In Japan
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 27th of January 2010 - 05:07 PM ]
Capcom is pushing hard for the whole Monster Hunter franchise to take off, so what do they do, turn it into a console MMO. Capcom has announced Monster Hunter Frontier Online for the XBox 360 in Japan. A first for the Monster Hunter Franchise, which has never been on the XBox platform before. $15 a month to play a game online you don't even play by yourself? An online beta will start sometime in May, and according to the website it will have a release date of summer 2010. If your wondering if there is a western release date, there is none at this time. Read More...
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Free Monsters At Comic Con!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of July 2009 - 10:07 PM ]
8 Free Monster Hunter Freedom Unite Download Quests It's been said a billion times and will be said a billion more. We all like free. Freedom. Free Food. Free Speech. Free of STDs. Free DLC. Words and phrases we all like to hear and will go out of our way to attain. Be it get a penicillin shot or drive/fly to San Diego, CA for a comic book and entertainment convention. Am I wrong? Well playing on the latter there, if you have a PSP, a copy of Capcom's Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, and a pass to this year's Comic Con, then you can get a treat with some new, free DLC. Read More...
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