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So Much Destiny 2 Was Just Revealed & We Need To Take It In
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of May 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Destiny 2 The big gameplay reveal for Destiny 2 has just gone down and we all learned a whole lot more for Destiny 2 than many thought we would by now Yesterday was a huge day as we all finally got to see Destiny 2 live and in action. That is at least if you had a chance to tune into the live stream event that Bungie and Activision held that showed off way more than just a trailer or pre-rendered footage for the game. Pretty much what needed to happen here for Destiny 2 in all ways and it did nothing but impress. Not only that, but not only did it confirm again that it would be hitting the PS4 and Xbox One on September 8th, but it was also confirmed that Battle. Read More...
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Here's My Wish List Of Things I'd Like To See In Destiny 2
by Greg Tatterfield [ Thursday, 30th of March 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Destiny 2 Now that Destiny 2 has been given a full announcement, here's a wish list of items I'd like to see in Destiny 2 when all is said and done The new Destiny update, The Age Of Triumph, just released which brought all the end game raids up to max light and has the game feeling fresh again. Re-expediting the classic content which made up the early days of the game and the release of the Destiny reveal coming in the next few days from Bungie has me thinking about what I would like to see in Destiny 2 when it releases in September 8th. 1. Read More...
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No More Rumors As Destiny 2 Is Officially Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 27th of March 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Destiny 2 Not long after the Destiny 2 rumors of last week, it looks like Destiny 2 has been given the full announcement treatment to entice fans Last week you may or may not have seen or heard about Destiny 2 getting possibly leaked out there via a few promotional posters showing up online. Not the first time something like that has bitten a developer in the ass, MKX, but it looks like Bungie would have been the most recent one. This of course led many to question if Destiny 2 was truly coming or it was a hoax of some sorts. Thankfully the wait has only been a few days as it looks like Activision gave the go ahead to officially announce the game is coming and then gave us all a nice little teaser image for the game. Read More...
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Destiny: Rise Of Iron Is Taking Us Back To Some Of Earth's Roots
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of June 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Destiny The next large expansion for Destiny has been revealed as Destiny: Rise Of Iron and it brings all of the huge enhancements that one would expect in this expansion It's been teased and "leaked" but now we have official word that Destiny: Rise Of Iron is the next huge expansion coming for the franchise from Bungie. I'm guessing that Activision thought it best to just out it before the upcoming huge E3 reveal due to all of the "leaks" but none the less we have the new expansion. At least the new expansion for those who have Destiny on the Xbox One or PS4 already. Read More...
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Destiny Kicks Off Halloween In The Most Traditional Way
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 26th of October 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Destiny The Halloween festivities have begun in Destiny and here are some of the items and events you can look for in Destiny over the next two weeks With Halloween almost here, for those who celebrate the holiday, it looks like Destiny is getting the jump on all of the festivities before many of the other games out there. As we get closer to the 31st of October I am sure we'll see more but for now it looks like Bungie is out of the gates and offering up all of the same old fun that MMO players should be used to for Halloween. Well outside of the holiday specific emotes for Destiny that you'll be purchasing and making sure that Activision can stay in business for another year. Read More...
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Review: Destiny
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of September 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Destiny. Does the game live up to the hype or is it an MMO that can be missed? Now that we've had time to sit down and ingest Destiny we should be able to critique the overall game for you; and now we have. Destiny was super hyped up and shown off at every convention since it was first unveiled and promised so much to the fans of the developer (Bungie) and publisher (Activision). Both companies have a wealth of experience under their belts so it should be rather simple to figure out how well their plan for Destiny panned out. If you are one of the few who have not already flocked out to pick up Destiny or purchased it on day one, here is our video review to help with your decision. Read More...
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Let's Go Live With Destiny In The Latest Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of September 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new live action trailer for Destiny has been released showing off how the game should feel when playing with friends I made the comment earlier that people have been losing their excitement for Destiny as the game's launch date looms even closer. I also claimed that something needed to be done to get the excitement back even after the Planet View site cropped up. Well it would seem that my complaints and wishes were answered as we have a new live action trailer for Destiny now and it does nothing but show off why we should be excited for the game. Even though it is mainly focused on the multiplayer aspect of the game's world. Read More...
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See Other Planets As We Do Earth With Destiny Planet View
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of September 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
In preparation for the launch of Destiny, Activision and Bungie have opened up a new viral site for gamers to see all the wonders of the game If you think you know all you need to know about Destiny so far then you may want to think again. Even those who managed to grind all the way to the level cap during the beta for Destiny may not know all of the ins and outs of the game's universe. Don't fret if you are one of those completionist types who need to know all the little tidbits though. Just hopefully you are versed in using Google Earth as the latest viral craze for Destiny happens to be something along those lines for all to experience and expand upon the universe just before the game launches next week. Read More...
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Destiny Breaks Gender Roles By Being From Both Mars And Venus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of August 2014 - 09:02 PM ]
Two new trailers for Destiny have been released with each focusing on a different planet we will be able to explore Some of you may be a bit too young to catch the joke in the headline but none the less Destiny will be taking us to Mars and Venus. That is at least if we are to understand correctly from the most recent two trailers for the game that Bungie and Activision have released into the universe. You can see both of these new trailers below to see the new areas that we will get to shoot and kill things through when Destiny finally hits our homes. Now if only there was a bit more of the gameplay and abilities mixed into the new locations. Read More...
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Have A Gander At The Destiny Vanguard Armory Pre-Order Bonus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of July 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Destiny has been released showing off some of the timed-exclusive DLC If you were curious on what came in the Vanguard Armory pre-order bonus for Destiny then you need not wait any longer. For all of you who don't have to wait until Fall of 2015 here is what you will be getting if you pre-ordered Destiny on the PS4 or PS3. A nice little tease for all of those not in that sub-group but at least you will now know why all the K/D ratios are skewed…well maybe. Granted, all of the above is only for those out of the gate as this content is available to all who play through Destiny, it's just those pre-order people will have access on day one on the specific consoles. Read More...
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Miss The First Destiny Beta? The Next One Is Upon Us…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of July 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
A new Destiny beta trailer has been released to make sure we all know the dates that we will be able to play the beta again Just in case you missed out on the first Destiny beta (or alpha) do remember that there is another one slated for July 17th and July 23rd for PlayStation and Xbox respectfully. That is at least when they open up to all of those players out there who pre-ordered the game or all of those lucky enough to be granted early access by their respective news/blog sites. I'm almost sure that by the end of it all damn near anyone who wants access to the beta will have it with or without pre-order so I think the better thing to focus on here are the dates. Read More...
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E3 2014 Hands On: Destiny
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Got To See Destiny In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It Destiny was a huge push during last year's E3 and every other gaming event that took place up until now. Of course that meant that Activision and Bungie again had to come out strong with something to show for the game as we are only months out from the release and there are only so many more gaming conventions to show off at. Well, they brought both a multiplayer showing and a not-so-multiplayer showing this year and I was lucky enough to sit down and play a bit more of Destiny. All on the same build that was recently available on the PS4. Read More...
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Apparently This Is Everything You Need To Know About Destiny
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of May 2014 - 09:08 PM ]
There is a new developer diary type video for Destiny showing off what you need to know for the new FPS from Bungie. It may sound like I am joking here about seeing everything you need to know about Destiny here. I am. I highly doubt that this new two minute video is going to show you everything you need to know about Bungie's upcoming FPS title but the title of the video says it does. So given that then we will continue to go off this and that there is nothing else to know about Destiny. So what there is to know about Destiny is that it's an FPS (not new) from Bungie (not new). Read More...
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Enter The Devil's Lair With The New Destiny Gameplay Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
There is a new gameplay trailer for Destiny that shows a strike against the Fallen in the Devil's Lair. Here we go with some new Destiny footage straight off the PS4. In this case we get to follow three characters of different classes as they attempt to make a strike at the Devil's Lair. From the looks of the area it looks to be more inhabited by the Fallen and fewer demons or devils but Destiny is a sci-fi title and not a religious or fantasy title. Not that that should make much of a difference but I felt it worth noting for some reason. Moving on… All of that aside we do get to see one of the mission types and areas of Destiny in a close up situation. Read More...
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There Has Been An Update On The Classes Of Destiny
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Bungie has updated the official site for Destiny with some new information and video of three of the game's classes. For all of you out there pining for some more news or updates on Destiny from Bungie and Activision, it looks like we are getting just that. In this instance it is in the form of three of the character classes that will be in the game when it finally launches. There is a nice brief description for the Hunter, Titan, and Warlock as well as nice little video to go along with said description. Not that there hasn't been a load of gameplay video for Destiny but here is a bit more geared toward those aforementioned classes. Read More...
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