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Take To The Sky With New Gameplay For The New Title
by Duke Searles [ Friday, 17th of November 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Sky We have some new gameplay for Sky to look at and see how Sky will be the same but different from the dev's other titles out there It has been a bit since we all first heard about ThatGameCompany's upcoming title Sky or at least saw any gameplay for the iOS title. A few months at this point, but now we are back to see some new footage for the game as well as have some of the developer's commentary on just what is going on in the game. We already knew that there would be a social aspect to it all as well as the ability to fly around the world, but here we get to see just how some of that plays into the larger side of Sky at the end of the day. It also looks like Light and Darkness will play into the core of it all as well which is something we have not seen until now. Read More...
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Get Ready To Take To The Sky With ThatGameCompany's Next Title
by Duke Searles [ Wednesday, 13th of September 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Sky The next title from ThatGameCompany has been announced, Sky, and it looks to do just what the title says by taking us on an adventure in the Sky It looks like the wait for whatever the next title ThatGameCompany is working is now over as we just had the announcement that it is a title named Sky. It is nice, simplistic, and looks to use the same gameplay modes that the developer has used for so long to make some amazing title. The only truly weird part is that Sky will be coming to the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV before anywhere else. Read More...
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AT&T Crediting Players To Join Xbox Live In November
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 11th of October 2011 - 05:10 PM ]
If you read our previous article about XBox Live and Its new TV streaming service then you already know that and XBox Live Gold account will be required to access most of these new features. Well in a screen shot today submitted by a reader over at GiantBomb AT&T U-verse is actually crediting users who want to use the XBox Live feature the cost of a single year's subscription. A little out of character for AT&T but hey I'll take what I can get. The big deal here is that AT&T U-verse was available to all Silver members and will now require a Gold membership to partake in all the entertainment features. Read More...
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WarCorner: Authenticator Comes To Windows 7 Phones
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 15th of July 2011 - 10:05 PM ]
One of the greatest security devices in online games today is probably Blizzard's authenticator. The device can be purchased from the Blizzard online store or downloaded for free on your mobile device. With the Windows 7 Phone's recent release, and a new marketplace on the horizon for app development, where is our authenticator? players with iPhones or Android devices are able to login securely to their game using a one-time password in addition to their base password to access their account. Read More...
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Review: The AGlove, It's So Rad
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of March 2011 - 10:21 PM ]
Recently I just got back from vacation in Utah where I took on their cold weather, snow and a Park City Bobsled Run; all in the same day. As I was waiting for one of my buddies to finish their run, I thought I would play a little Gun Bros on my android phone. Now picture this. I'm on a mountain, in the freezing cold, standing in snow and about to take out my TOUCH-SCREEN phone and play a game. Impossible, I know. Normally I would desperately try to get enough heat to the tips of my fingers to actually use the touch screen just to unlock the stupid thing. Read More...
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So I'm Guessing This Is The PSP 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 24th of January 2011 - 11:53 PM ]
Earlier today (1/24/2011) one of the outlets that give out a lot of PlaySation news slipped out an image of what could easily be the PSP 2 through a yfrog account. It has since been pulled down with the image being replaced with a nice "Removed Due To Violation of ToS" image so no one can see it any more. Well you lucked out that I was on the case and was able to snag not only the image but a screen shot of the page which you can see below. Now it is rumored that there will be an announcement for this later in the week, I'd say that this all but confirms it is on the plate for announcement. Read More...
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Sony Now Has An App For That
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of January 2011 - 07:25 PM ]
SCEE has finally let loose the app they announced back in December that will allow PlayStation fans to do pretty much what XBox fans have been doing for a long while now. That is access all their stats, news and talk about all things on their chosen console. Man that took a while to get out there. I totally can't wait to use it to keep up on my friends and trophies. Oh wait… I can't… It is only for people with European accounts. Anyone can download the app to their iPhone/iPod or Android phones right now, although work arounds are needed if you live outside of Europe. Read More...
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Review: Kick-Ass The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of May 2010 - 07:15 PM ]
The comic and film of this intellectual property have come and gone. Both spectacular in their own right. If you have yet to read or see either, do both. But what if you have done one or both already? Well did you know there is a video game version of Kick-Ass for the PSN and iPhone? There most certainly is. Why wouldn't there be, as merchandising is a great way to make more money off a great franchise. It is the capitalist way after all. Read More...
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Nice Going Ass Kick... Er Kick Ass
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of April 2010 - 08:26 PM ]
As is not to be surprised, as it was announced a while ago, the film Kick Ass has a game coming out. Coming out as in tomorrow (4/15) to meet the launch date of the film which is Friday (4/16). Yet another in the string of movie based video games coming out this year. Well that come out pretty much every year there is a big budget film to milk for money. Still waiting on Spaceballs: The Videogame Mr. Brooks. Read More...
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Dark Void Zero Goes Mobile.. and Flies to the PC Too
by Kevin [ Friday, 9th of April 2010 - 03:33 PM ]
This week, AggroGamer will be presenting a review for Dark Void, for a new series entitled, "Games You Missed, Which Might Not Be a Bad Thing." The first title to get this treatment will be the action title Dark Void that was developed by Airtight Games and published by Capcom for the PS3, 360 and PC on January 19, 2010. In the meantime, the more well received iteration of the game, Dark Void Zero will be headed to the iPhone and PC. This 8-bit title was celebrated for its controls and retro gameplay and graphics, and was often compared in a more favorable light to its big brother. Read More...
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Pea-shooting Zombies On The Go With iPhone/iPod
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 17th of February 2010 - 12:34 PM ]
Plants vs. Zombies was one of the 2009 most played games for the PC, especially for those at PopCap Games has announced today that they will be releasing the game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Plants vs. Zombies will be available now at the Apple’s App Store for $2.99. Andrew Stein, Director of Mobile platforms from PopCap Games made the following comment, “Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone and iPod Touch marks the first adaptation of our wildly popular ‘flower defense’ game to a new platform, and we’re excited at how well it has translated to the iPhone and iPod touch. We’ve stayed true to the original computer version with the full-featured gameplay of Adventure mode, and have optimized this adaptation around a seamless touch interface. Read More...
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XBox LIVE Coming To A Windows Phone Near You
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 15th of February 2010 - 11:00 PM ]
With Mobile gaming on the rise, and new technologies emerging from console makers these days it was no surprise to see Microsoft announce XBox LIVE connectivity with the new Windows Phone 7 software. Unlike Windows Mobile 6.1 and higher, this is aimed at a more social experience by increasing communication across a multitude of carriers and phones. Windows Phone 7 will be available (unlike the iPhone) on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and HTC phones. Windows Phone 7 OS is going to be Microsoft's mobile entertainment platform, by bringing gaming to the player anywhere they go, and the ability to network with all your LIVE friends, Microsoft is coming out the gate swinging. Read More...
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AR.Drone: When Video Games Become Reality
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 11th of February 2010 - 04:04 PM ]
We're all familiar with augmented reality. The iPhone has already been using this technology for viewing restaurant locations, local hot-spots, and other applicable features. Well it's only natural that this technology for your mobile phone move into the gaming industry. With that said I present to you the AR Drone, an iPhone controlled RC quadrocopter. This is not your average quadrocopter from the mall that always flips over and crashes when your trying to fly it. This is one sophisticated piece of equipment. Read More...
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Sword & Poker: The .99 Cent iPhone Battery Killer
by Kevin [ Sunday, 24th of January 2010 - 08:03 PM ]
I've come across a multitude of titles in the App Store that attempt to bridge the gap between two gaming genres. There have been varying degrees of success for most of these games, but every now and again there's a title that not only dares to get the formula right - but sees fit to destroy the battery in my phone (which, admittedly, with an iPhone isn't too terribly difficult). In this case the game in question is "Sword&Poker" - and yes it is exactly what it sounds like.In the world of Sword & Poker, the always dreaded Lord of Chaos has snagged the equally ominous Stone of Creation and has formed a intricate dungeon to protect his dark intent. Read More...
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iPhone Getting Final Fantasy I and II
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 21st of January 2010 - 10:09 PM ]
Yes you read the headline correctly, Final Fantasy I and II are both coming to the iPhone! With the movement for Mobile devices becoming a gaming force to be reckoned with, we are seeing the larger games quickly making their way into our hot little hands. Square Enix announced on it's Facebook page as well as on Twitter that it would be releasing the first two Final Fantasy titles for the iPhone and iPod Touch. There are practically no details regarding the game, but all we know so far is it's "Coming Soon" but with the below screen shots, it doesn't look like we are too far off. You can head on over to the actual mini-site to listen to the soothing music and stare at the iPhone screen, or just check out the screen shots below. Read More...
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