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Sword & Poker: The .99 Cent iPhone Battery Killer
by Kevin [ Sunday, 24th of January 2010 - 08:03 PM ]
I've come across a multitude of titles in the App Store that attempt to bridge the gap between two gaming genres. There have been varying degrees of success for most of these games, but every now and again there's a title that not only dares to get the formula right - but sees fit to destroy the battery in my phone (which, admittedly, with an iPhone isn't too terribly difficult). In this case the game in question is "Sword&Poker" - and yes it is exactly what it sounds like.In the world of Sword & Poker, the always dreaded Lord of Chaos has snagged the equally ominous Stone of Creation and has formed a intricate dungeon to protect his dark intent. Read More...
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