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So I'm Guessing This Is The PSP 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 24th of January 2011 - 11:53 PM ]
Earlier today (1/24/2011) one of the outlets that give out a lot of PlaySation news slipped out an image of what could easily be the PSP 2 through a yfrog account. It has since been pulled down with the image being replaced with a nice "Removed Due To Violation of ToS" image so no one can see it any more. Well you lucked out that I was on the case and was able to snag not only the image but a screen shot of the page which you can see below. Now it is rumored that there will be an announcement for this later in the week, I'd say that this all but confirms it is on the plate for announcement. Read More...
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Climax Action Comes to the Tokyo Game Show
by Kevin [ Friday, 4th of September 2009 - 05:10 PM ]
The more I hear and read about Bayonetta, the more I can appreciate the game for what it is - or what it potentially will be. You've heard how the protagonist essentially becomes more and more naked with different attacks, and how her hair transforms into weapons, and how the game contains "Torture Combos", "Witch Time", and "Non-Stop Climax Action". However, what you don't know is that I actually met with Sega for a game similar in both tone and style which I dubbed Thana-Nude the Pistolista. My game, which contained "Hot Sticky Combination Attacks", "Uncomfortable Whimpering Time", as well as "Parent Angering Immoral Fatal Thrust Strikes", focused on Thana-Nude - a 'death fairy ronin' who fell from the sky after the great seperation of the Lost Tombs of Zeebs in the Seventh Ascenion. Read More...
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Capcom Confirms US Release For Fate/Unlimited Codes
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 5th of May 2009 - 01:18 AM ]
Capcom announced last week during CAPTIVATE 09 that they will be releasing the PSP fighting game, Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable, in the U.S. Unlike Japan, the American release will be following Europe in releasing the game digitally only through the Playstation Store. Sony and Capcom both firmly state that they are not abandoning the UMD format that is the primary media used in PSP games. Capcom has promised a winter release at a retail price of $29.99. Read More...
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Sony’s Latest Firmware Update
by Jesse [ Thursday, 2nd of April 2009 - 06:56 AM ]
According to a post on the official PlayStation Blog this past Wednesday, Sony has announced a new firmware update for the PlayStation 3. According to Eric Lempel Director of PlayStation Network Operations, v. 2.70’s new features will include a new Text Chat feature that will allow you to chat online with up to 15 friends as well as be able to chat in up to 3 rooms with friends. According to the blog, the new feature will be compatible with the PlayStation Wireless Keypad, on-screen keyboard, and other keyboard peripherals compatible with the console. Along with the chat feature, the XMB Friends List will be updated to allow you to sort your friends via their online status. Read More...
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Google's G1 Android Phone...
by Taylor Rose [ Thursday, 16th of October 2008 - 03:44 PM ]
I know many of's members are, like me, big supporters of Google. I've been highly anticipating the Google G1 Android Phone, and it has finally been announced that the phone will be available in stores on October 22, 2008. What is Android, you might ask? Android is a software platform and operating system that Google developed for mobile devices. Based off of the Linux kernel, it also allows developers to code in a Java-esque syntax: however, it does not provide the full-class libraries/APIS that come with the Java SE or Me, but rather implements the Apache Harmony Java.  Regardless of its seemingly limited functionality, Paul Reddick, CEO of Handmark (a developer of mobile media apps and services for the iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and other OSs) thinks Android will "help breed the simple and elegant programs consumers crave". Read More...
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The awesome portable Dreamcast
by Sam [ Thursday, 16th of October 2008 - 03:18 AM ]
A guy by the name of "hailrazer" over at modded his own portable Dreamcast called the Dreamtrooper. The reason for the name is because it's not only a Dreamcast but it also looks like a Storm Troopers helmet. The Dreamtrooper plays GD-ROMs attached to the back spindle and is said to have about three hours of battery life. Check out the video below of him playing Sonic Adventure 2. Read More...
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IdolM@ster Makes Jump From 360 To PSP In Japan
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 5th of August 2008 - 12:02 AM ]
Namco Bandai announced last week that their hit game series IdolM@ster will be released for the Sony PSP this winter in Japan, as not 1 title, but 3 seperate titles.  For those not familiar with the IdolM@ster series, the game is a virtual simulator where you create your very own Japanese Music Idol.  You handle their schedule, costumes, song choices, and happiness/stress levels, to create the #1 Idol.  The series has been a huge hit in arcades and one of the biggest hits on the Xbox 360 in Japan. Read More...
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