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The Interview Is Up On Xbox Video But Not Video Unlimited…Smart Move
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
You can now watch The Interview on Xbox Video and other services but not Sony's own video unlimited… yet… While not directly video game news, The Interview being placed on our gaming systems for streaming could lead to some gaming outages in the coming days. What I am talking about here is that Sony has decided to let the film stream on YouTube, Google Play, and Xbox Video as of this writing. There are plans to let it go to other platforms, including Video Unlimited on the PlayStation Network but those plans are supposedly coming shortly. This is either a stoke of marketing genius or nothing is going to happen but people seeing The Interview. Read More...
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Review: Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 5th of September 2009 - 01:11 PM ]
Fans of the anime series Fate/Stay Night have been clamoring for an American release of the fighting game series the anime was based off of. Finally Capcom has answered the fans with the release of Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable for the PSP as a download only title on PSN. Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable is exactly what its title describes, as it is the portable version of the PS2 port available only in Japan. Before I get into my review, I would like to say my review is based upon the Japanese version, and the only major difference between the two releases is the translated text in the U.S. Read More...
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Capcom Confirms US Release For Fate/Unlimited Codes
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 5th of May 2009 - 01:18 AM ]
Capcom announced last week during CAPTIVATE 09 that they will be releasing the PSP fighting game, Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable, in the U.S. Unlike Japan, the American release will be following Europe in releasing the game digitally only through the Playstation Store. Sony and Capcom both firmly state that they are not abandoning the UMD format that is the primary media used in PSP games. Capcom has promised a winter release at a retail price of $29.99. Read More...
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