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The Interview Is Up On Xbox Video But Not Video Unlimited…Smart Move
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
You can now watch The Interview on Xbox Video and other services but not Sony's own video unlimited… yet… While not directly video game news, The Interview being placed on our gaming systems for streaming could lead to some gaming outages in the coming days. What I am talking about here is that Sony has decided to let the film stream on YouTube, Google Play, and Xbox Video as of this writing. There are plans to let it go to other platforms, including Video Unlimited on the PlayStation Network but those plans are supposedly coming shortly. This is either a stoke of marketing genius or nothing is going to happen but people seeing The Interview. Read More...
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We Need New Consoles Right Now
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 10th of March 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Is PC gaming the real way to go or do we need new console releases to keep up with the changing times? In the past few years, I have gotten more and more into PC gaming. One thing I have started to notice is the gap in quality is more and more astronomical. I am not here to start an internet fan boy flame war, only to give an opinion that might work out well for everyone. We need newer and better consoles, more frequently. I know you may be thinking “has this guy lost his marbles? Read More...
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Next Gen 360?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of March 2011 - 06:21 PM ]
By Matt Waitt Microsoft has recently posted a few job listings on their website, which suspiciously looks a lot like some console building jobs. The job listings include: A Graphics Hardware Architect stating "The ideal candidate should have a broad background in 3D graphics rendering architectures and algorithms (ideally with gaming applications in mind), 3D software pipelines, and physics." As well as "a solid understanding of graphics hardware implementation, including design methodologies and production yield and cost analysis." Hmm... Read More...
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FC Twin: Almost Perfect
by Alyssa Porter [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 05:33 PM ]
FC Twin: Almost Perfect for Classic Gamers. The FC Twin is a video gaming system by Famiclone that allows you to play Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The FC Twin has separate circuitry and card slots allowing it to play for both game systems. The switch can be set to on/off, NES, or SNES. This system is almost perfect for lovers of classic Nintendo games. The only down side is that it is not compatible with 10-15% of the NES and SNES games and not compatible with the NES Zapper. Read More...
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