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Dreamcast Coming to PSN and Xbox Live Arcade
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 16th of June 2010 - 05:56 PM ]
The Dreamcast is making a comeback and this time it's not in console form. Sega's last console attempt is getting ready to release two of it's popular titles: Crazy Taxi and Sonic Adventures on the PlayStation Network and XBox Live Arcade this fall. The titles will get the usual treatment and advantages for being on PSN and XBLA, so expect Achievements/Trophies and much better HD visuals. Sega is planning on porting more titles in the coming months in conjunction with the 11th anniversary of Dreamcast's launch (has it been that long?). Read More...
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The awesome portable Dreamcast
by Sam [ Thursday, 16th of October 2008 - 03:18 AM ]
A guy by the name of "hailrazer" over at modded his own portable Dreamcast called the Dreamtrooper. The reason for the name is because it's not only a Dreamcast but it also looks like a Storm Troopers helmet. The Dreamtrooper plays GD-ROMs attached to the back spindle and is said to have about three hours of battery life. Check out the video below of him playing Sonic Adventure 2. Read More...
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