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Secret World Legends Is Changing The Game & Coming This June
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of May 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Secret World The release date for Secret World Legends has been set and now we get to dive into seeing what Secret World Legends is changing from before Not too long ago we were all hit with Secret World Legends coming and was being a re-release of the PC MMO of a similar name. Maybe not a re-release as that has different connotations in today's age, but more Funcom wanted to bring us more of the game, continue the story, and also give us a fun free to play version of it all. Hey, for some this may be the first introduction into the Secret World so I guess it is a good thing for the re-release of sorts. None the less, we can all look to see it hitting the PC on June 26th now with all of the bells and whistles it has added and changed over the time it's been released. Read More...
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Walk Into The Danger Zone With Agents Of Mayhem's Franchise Force
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of May 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Agents Of Mayhem A new trailer for Agents Of Mayhem has been released to introduce us further to the Agents Of Mayhem characters that we've already met once Here we go with some more for Agents Of Mayhem and this time for those who have not been able to get all the ins and outs since E3 last year, we get a solid look at three of the characters in the game that we've seen before. Don't think these are the only characters coming to the game as I know that Volition has many others in the works and already there for us, but these seem to be the big ones and the first three recruited into the organization in the game's lore. We still have plenty of time to get to know the rest of the characters for Agents Of Mayhem as we wait for August 15th to roll around and the game hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, but here we go with what Deep Silver wants us to see for now. Read More...
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Review — Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 1st of May 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death We sit down and review Drawn To Death. It's a new shooter/brawler that take place on a teenager's notebook of doom. Here's our review of Drawn To Death Today is the last day that you PS Plus members can pick up Drawn To Death and then it flows on out into the purchase arena for everyone. Given that fact, we thought it would be high-time to throw together our review of the game and how Bartlet Jones has done with it all over the last month so you can figure out if it is worth the time and money to add it to your PS4. We also wanted to make sure we took our time and watched as Drawn To Death grew and evolved as a good multiplayer title must to keep the fans happy. Read More...
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Agents Of Mayhem Is Bringing The Classic Bad Vs. Evil Story To Us Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Agents Of Mayhem The release date for Agents Of Mayhem has been set and with the new trailer it looks like Agents Of Mayhem will be hitting us all this August Last year at E3 we were all introduced to Agents Of Mayhem and all of the absurdly fun times that the game and characters mixed in could bring. Volition is definitely know for all of the insanity, no pun intended for those in the know, and this game surely piqued my interest when I had a chance to sit down and play it. Back then it looked to be another great game added to the growing library of Deep Silver and then things went mostly silent for Agents Of Mayhem. Read More...
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Secret World Legends Is Bringing The Dark, Horror MMO Back To Us All
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 29th of March 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Secret World The Secret World MMO is coming back strong as it has been revamped as Secret World Legends and bringing all the great stories for free this Spring Talk about a blast from the past as it looks like The Secret World (Remember this title?) is coming back with a vengeance. Not that it had really been out of circulation since Funcom first brought this MMO to our PCs about five years ago, it has been moving along just nicely since, but it never had the massive traction of other MMOs out there. None the less, it looks like there will be a second huge push for the game as it has been announced that Secret World Legends is on its way and bringing a whole lot with it. A whole lot and all for the low price of FREE. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Is Coming Free For PS Plus & Bringing Amazing New Things
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of March 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death It has just been announced that Drawn To Death will be free for all PS Plus players out there and Drawn To Death will be bringing more exciting extras Back in February we had word that Drawn To Death finally had a set release date of April 4th but also that it was going to run the cost of $20 USD when it was first brought up as free-to-play. This brought on a lot of concern and questions for Bartlet Jones as to what had changed and if it would eventually become one of the titles that PS Plus brought us for free on our PS4. As it turns out, Drawn To Death will be coming to the PS Plus service for free and that "eventually" timeline asked is the same as its launch date. Read More...
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It Is Time To Go Behind The Notebook With Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death A new video for Drawn To Death is out and this one gives us a look at how and why some of the Drawn To Death artists crafted the world the way they did Unless you are blind and living under a rock, you should know that Drawn To Death has a very unique style in terms of the art direction. It's not the first of its kind but it definitely shows off the direction that Bartlet Jones wanted to go with in the game and it has captured the eyes of many and the disdain of others. Drawn To Death is definitely not going to be for everyone but at least it is something new and with some solid gameplay to back it all up and I look forward to April 4th when it finally is released in its final form on the PS4. Read More...
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The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Brings Out Some Guardians & Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of February 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Zelda Some new The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild gameplay has been released and it shows us some sweet Legend Of Zelda gameplay action & some of the environments Did you want some new gameplay for The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild? Yes? Good because that is what we have here for you to have a look at today. It may not be a whole lot of gameplay but we do have a nice little bit that shows off the world that is being built for this Nintendo iconic franchise as well as some new, sweet combat for the protagonist of the game. If you think his name is Zelda then you can move right along and pretend to be ready for the game to hit the Switch and Wii U on March 3rd. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Has Now Written The Release Date In The Notebook
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of February 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death The release date for Drawn To Death has been set now and we are also treated to a little more on how Drawn To Death came together in the end If you were a fan of Drawn To Death and enjoyed the fuck out of the early access or beta version of the game then you will also be glad to know that it finally has set a release date for all to be able to give the game a go on the PS4. It looks like the team over at Bartlet Jones has finally got everything wrapping up and we can look to be diving into the pages of the game on April 4th here. Yes, that will be the day that we can all get our hands on Drawn To Death and finally get back into the mix of things since the testing and access was shut down what feels like ages ago. Read More...
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King's Quest Just Silently Received An Epilogue Episode For Us To Enjoy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of December 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
King's Quest A new episode for King's Quest has been released for all who happened to own the full season of King's Quest with very little notice given at all Here we go with yet another odd holiday gift, and seemingly out of nowhere, but a new episode of King's Quest has been released this week to those who have been playing close attention to the title the whole time. It looks like The Odd Gentlemen have given us one more episode in terms of an epilogue to the whole story and did so with nothing more than a mere tweet out there. Seems kind of strange to not boast this in any other form, especially given how Sierra Entertainment has been with King's Quest since they first brought it out so long ago, but none the less we have it and it is currently out there to download and hopefully enjoy. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: The Good Knight
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of December 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
King's Quest We sit down and review King's Quest: The Good Knight. This is the fifth episode of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the famed franchise from Sierra Entertainment. Here's our review of King's Quest: The Good Knight It seems like it took forever to get to, but we are finally here and we have the final episode of King's Quest and the epic conclusion to the story we've slowly been living out over the last year. That is one of the huge issues with episodic titles but The Odd Gentlemen made it to the end and we can all see how they did with the reboot to Sierra Entertainment's huge franchise. Also to see if it should be on your list of games to give a try now that you can experience King's Quest all in one solid sitting. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Will Be Bringing Us A Lot Of Great Content At Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of November 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death The launch date for Drawn To Death is still out in the æther but we have a list of what will come to Drawn To Death at launch Hopefully by now you've had a chance to give Drawn To Death a play through the Limited Access that took place a little while back or at the many different conventions it has been on display at. It's been going through a great evolution since the F2P battle arena game first was shown on the PS4 back at the first PSX but it looks like Bartlet Jones took all the feedback as they promised too and have crafted the game more and more to what we all wanted to see. It looks like there is still some time until Drawn To Death comes to our systems though but that doesn't mean we have to be left wondering what will be coming with it all when it does. Read More...
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New Gameplay For The Last Guardian Is Here To Brighten Our Days
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of November 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
The Last Guardian New gameplay demo footage for The Last Guardian has popped up online to give us all a more solid taste of what The Last Guardian will bring us Let they hype train keep rolling for The Last Guardian as we have more gameplay footage for the game to look at here fresh out of a demo shown off at a London demo event. I am still at a bit of a loss as to all the hype building around this title from genDESIGN but it is something a large portion of the games out there are excited for and who am I to dash your dreams for this new PS4 title. I'll let the release of The Last Guardian on December 6th destroy you or confirm all your hopes. Read More...
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A New Game Announced, Stray, Gives Us A Feel For What A Lost Dog Goes Through
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of October 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Stray A new title, Stray, has been announced and will take us on the journey of a 'Stray' dog on its way back to its family If you ever had the curiosity of what happens to a dog when it is abandoned or gets lost then it looks like the new title Stray may be here to answer all of your questions here. This is a new cinematic platforming title from Robot Gentleman that aims to take you on just that adventure. Yes, you'll get to be in the role of a Stray dog lost in the wilderness just trying to make its way back home and to safety. Read More...
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King's Quest Finale Has Been Dated & It's A Lot Sooner Than You'd Think
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
King's Quest The fifth episode of King's Quest has been given a date and it looks like we'll be wrapping King's Quest before the end of October now It may have taken quite a bit of time to get the fourth episode of King's Quest out to us but it looks like The Odd Gentlemen have kicked up the game and now we are seeing the fifth and final episode here in under a month. Yes, we will be seeing this episode on October 25th for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Just in time for all of those King's Quest costumes for Halloween to be a bit more relevant for those who have been following along with the Sierra Entertainment reboot to the franchise. Read More...
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