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King's Quest Just Silently Received An Epilogue Episode For Us To Enjoy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of December 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
King's Quest A new episode for King's Quest has been released for all who happened to own the full season of King's Quest with very little notice given at all Here we go with yet another odd holiday gift, and seemingly out of nowhere, but a new episode of King's Quest has been released this week to those who have been playing close attention to the title the whole time. It looks like The Odd Gentlemen have given us one more episode in terms of an epilogue to the whole story and did so with nothing more than a mere tweet out there. Seems kind of strange to not boast this in any other form, especially given how Sierra Entertainment has been with King's Quest since they first brought it out so long ago, but none the less we have it and it is currently out there to download and hopefully enjoy. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: The Good Knight
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of December 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
King's Quest We sit down and review King's Quest: The Good Knight. This is the fifth episode of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the famed franchise from Sierra Entertainment. Here's our review of King's Quest: The Good Knight It seems like it took forever to get to, but we are finally here and we have the final episode of King's Quest and the epic conclusion to the story we've slowly been living out over the last year. That is one of the huge issues with episodic titles but The Odd Gentlemen made it to the end and we can all see how they did with the reboot to Sierra Entertainment's huge franchise. Also to see if it should be on your list of games to give a try now that you can experience King's Quest all in one solid sitting. Read More...
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King's Quest Finale Has Been Dated & It's A Lot Sooner Than You'd Think
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
King's Quest The fifth episode of King's Quest has been given a date and it looks like we'll be wrapping King's Quest before the end of October now It may have taken quite a bit of time to get the fourth episode of King's Quest out to us but it looks like The Odd Gentlemen have kicked up the game and now we are seeing the fifth and final episode here in under a month. Yes, we will be seeing this episode on October 25th for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Just in time for all of those King's Quest costumes for Halloween to be a bit more relevant for those who have been following along with the Sierra Entertainment reboot to the franchise. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: Snow Place Like Home
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
King's Quest We sit down and review King's Quest: Snow Place Like Home. This is the fourth episode of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the famed franchise from Sierra Entertainment. Here's our review of King's Quest: Snow Place Like Home It's been about five months since the last episode of King's Quest was released so it seems like it was about time to get the next episode in the mix. Right? Of course it was and that is why The Odd Gentlemen and Sierra Entertainment have just recently released the fourth episode of the game for all of us to play. Read More...
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King's Quest 4th Episode Is Here To Show There's Snow Place Like Home
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of September 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
King's Quest The release date for the fourth episode of King's Quest has a date now and it looks like we have a reason for King's Quest's long delay between episodes Well holy hells, it looks like King's Quest didn't go dead in the water after the last episode as we now have a release date for the fourth episode now and it is September 27th. Just next week we'll get to continue The Odd Gentlemen's take on the franchise as we've all been waiting for this since April. That is one hell of a gap for King's Quest and I know I don't fully remember everything that happened before and I'm not talking about the original Sierra titles either. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: Once Upon A Climb
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of May 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
King's Quest We sit down and review King's Quest: Once Upon A Climb. This is the third episode of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the famed franchise from Sierra Entertainment. Here's our review on how they've done so far There's been another long break and now we have another new episode for King's Quest. Not as long of a wait as we had before but still it seems like The Odd Gentlemen do like to take their time to get each out. None the less here we go with the third and halfway point of the overall King's Quest that Sierra has tasked them with building. Read More...
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It's Time To Find Your True Love In King's Quest 3rd Episode
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of April 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
King's Quest The third episode of King’s Quest is now out and we have the latest trailer to show you all of the madness that we will get into in this episode of King's Quest We all knew before now that the latest episode of King's Quest was going to be on the romantic comedy side of things. This of course was all based on the early screenshots that The Odd Gentlemen put out there with a basic description. Now we have a nice new trailer for the new episode of King's Quest and we can see just how far on that side of things the team has taken the famed Sierra title. Spoiler alert, it looks like they went extremely over on that side of things… The new episode released out yesterday worldwide and fans of King's Quest have already been digesting it; myself included. Read More...
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King’s Quest Third Episode Is A Romcom & Almost Ready To Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of March 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
King’s Quest The third episode of King’s Quest now has a release date and is slated to bring a romantic comedy to the King’s Quest story thus far Another good chunk of time has gone by since the last episode of King’s Quest was released and it looks like the third episode isn't going to be too far off as we now have a release date for it. Not only that but it looks like from the description that has been revealed by The Odd Gentlemen it looks like we are going to be in for some kind of romantic comedy when all things are said and done. It will also make us question a few things we assumed from Sierra's version of King’s Quest already set in motion. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: Rubble Without A Cause
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of February 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
King's Quest We Sit Down And Review King's Quest: Rubble Without A Cause. This Is The Second Episode Of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the Famed Franchise From Sierra Entertainment. Here's Our Review On How They've Done So Far Slow and steady seems to be the pace that the new King's Quest is going in terms of releasing new episodes for the game. Only six months since The Odd Gentlemen game us the first taste to hook us in and now here comes the second one. All in a storytelling experience that claims that each episode of King's Quest can be completely isolated and playing the others just helps with the overall narrative of the game. Read More...
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A Rubble Without A Cause Coming In King's Quest 2nd Episode
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of December 2015 - 06:01 PM ]
King's Quest The second episode of King's Quest has been teased again only this time we have a date for when we will continue the King's Quest saga started so long ago After almost six months of waiting it looks like the second episode of King's Quest is on its way soon. It is crazy to think that the first episode was released by The Odd Gentlemen back in July and we have all been playing the waiting game since then. But now we can all rest assured that we will see King's Quest again with new content on December 15th for the PS3 and PS4 then the next day (December 16th) for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. I guess it is time to fire up the last episode of King's Quest to get back into the mindset we'll need in two weeks. Read More...
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Review — King's Quest: A Knight To Remember
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of August 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review King's Quest: A Knight To Remember. This Is The First Episode Of The Odd Gentlemen's reboot to the Famed Franchise From Sierra Entertainment. Here's Our Review On How They've Done So Far It's been some time since we last had a good King's Quest and the wait is finally over as we have the next installment to the franchise. This time the developer role has moved over to The Odd Gentlemen and the game is no longer a point-and-click adventure but Sierra Entertainment has kept their eyes closely upon it to try and keep it in the same vein as fans would want and expect. As the first episode for King's Quest, A Knight To Remember, has been released the time is now and the time is here for a review of the first episode to the franchise's reboot; of sorts. Read More...
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King's Quest Looks To Be A Hand Painted Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of May 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
A new behind the scenes video for King's Quest has been released showing off how the artists make King's Quest look the way it does We've already heard how King's Quest is going to sound and a bit of how it is going to look but do we really know? Do we really know all of the blood, sweat, tears, paint, and love that The Odd Gentlemen are putting into the game? Of course we can all assume at this point or King's Quest wouldn't have been allowed to be made but what tells us better is a nice, handy, behind-the-scenes video. Such a video that we have just a bit lower so we can see how King's Quest is being made to look like things are hand painted from the ground up. Read More...
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Many Reasons Just To Listen To The King's Quest Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
A new developer diary for King's Quest has been released showing off the voice cast that will help The Odd Gentlemen bring King's Quest to life With a great narrative franchise like King's Quest has had and what we expect in our games moving forward, The Odd Gentlemen have their work cut out for them. Especially give the franchise's past and what nostalgic gamers are going to want to see from the new iteration of the franchise. I don't envy the developer at all here as they have a huge light on them and fans of the franchise over the long run will be rough. Read More...
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Review — Shiftlings
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of March 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Shiftlings. Is it worth your time? Do the quirky puzzles work out? Here's Our Video Review On the outside Shiftlings doesn't look like it does much to the puzzle and platforming genre for video games. Looks can and are deceiving all the time though and Rock Pocket Games is setting out to give us something we haven't experienced in a while for those two genres. Do they succeed? Do they fail? Read More...
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Watch The Shiftlings Orientation Video & Don't Get F.I.R.E.D.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Shiftlings has been released and it shows off a few of the ways that you will die or fail the mission ahead Look at that. We have a new trailer for that quirky little platforming title called Shiftlings from Sierra and Rock Pocket Games. We first saw something along the PS4 and Xbox One version of Shiftlings about a month ago now. This is that little space "reality TV" show game where you and your buddy are connected via a tube and forced to shrink and expand to move around the puzzling levels. Go back and see what I am talking about because we are ever moving forward and that is what we are going to do here for Shiftlings. Read More...
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