On the outside Shiftlings doesn't look like it does much to the puzzle and platforming genre for video games. Looks can and are deceiving all the time though and Rock Pocket Games is setting out to give us something we haven't experienced in a while for those two genres. Do they succeed? Do they fail? Well you are going to have to watch the latest video review that covers all thing Shiftlings just a bit lower for you down the page. Why would I go to all the trouble of putting this mug up on the net just to give you the quick and dirty answers you may be looking for? Just be glad you don't have to read through a bunch of text I guess so you can decide just a little bit faster than normal.
All of the important facts for Shiftlings are covered in the following review although it would seem that some of those Kittens have escaped and played with the lighting of my face here. They will need to be flogged just a bit more. Or at least force fed some Black Hola Cola to get everything back on track. If you've played Shiftlings you'll get all of those jokes. Or I guess if you watch the video review that is now live on the site. Either way you can see and hear all of my thoughts about Shiftlings just a bit lower now. Just a little bit lower now… Just a little bit lower now… Just a little bit lower now…
As with every review or article we get up here you are more than welcome to let us know how on par we are with your own thoughts. This time it happens to be for Shiftlings. So go ahead and add to everything by placing your thoughts and feelings in the comments below. I am sure that Sierra and Rock Pocket Games would love to hear those too.
Shiftlings — Review
I give Shiftlings 38 farts on the gas scale.
Shiftlings — Launch Trailer
Shiftlings was developed by Rock Pocket Games and published by Sierra for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Shiftlings was released on March 3rd, 2015. A PS4 copy of the game was provided by the publisher for reviewing purposes.