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TRON: Catalyst Looks To Take Us All Back To The Grid Next Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of October 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
TRON A new entry into the TRON universe is on the way with the announcement we have for Disney TRON: Catalyst coming next year It looks like we are seeing the IP endure the test of time, as we have TRON: Catalyst adding one more story into the line that Disney has out there in the digital space. Not only for that company, but also as we see the story from Bithell Games carry forward with Big Fan Games continuing the story of the Arq Grid that we all had in TRON: Identity. All in a new isometric action title coming in 2025 for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC. Read More...
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Here's Why They All Run In Mirror's Edge Catalyst City Of Glass
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of May 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst A new Mirror's Edge Catalyst trailer has been released and it gives us all a look at why the runners run in the world of Mirror's Edge Catalyst This seems like a silly thing to only be hearing about for Mirror's Edge Catalyst as we are so close to the launch of the game. June 7th isn't that far off now and we are only now hearing about why they run in DICE's next addition to the franchise. Of course this is all in jest and based on the title of the launch trailer for Mirror's Edge Catalyst as we should all know the reason they run by now; at least if you have any interest in the game at all. There are just too many reasons. Read More...
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst Kind Of Has A Theme Song Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of May 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst A new song for Mirror's Edge Catalyst has been released from CHVRCHES that will be featured at Mirror's Edge Catalyst's opening and ending It sounds a bit weird to say that Mirror's Edge Catalyst is going to have a theme song of sorts but that is the easiest way to describe the latest update here for the game. No DICE hasn't crafted some catchy new song like all of those Saturday morning cartoons we loved but instead have reached out to CHVRCHES to craft something for them. And craft something they have as it looks like the song here is slated to be used for the open, ending, and a hidden place in Mirror's Edge Catalyst when it lands on June 7th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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Faith Is Stumbling As Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Has Another Delay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Another delay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is on us as it looks like the team needs more time to perfect Mirror’s Edge Catalyst's social play feature Just when we were all going to get excited that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was almost here it looks like we are going to have to wait a bit longer. Not too much longer but it looks like DICE needs a few more weeks to perfect things in the game and now we will be seeing it on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on June 7th now. The reasons of course being linked to Mirror’s Edge Catalyst's Social Play features and the fact that they are nowhere near what they were hoping for. Read More...
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Get Ready To Run As The Mirror's Edge Catalyst Beta Is Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst The dates for the Mirror's Edge Catalyst closed beta have been set and we also get a nice long look at a mission from Mirror's Edge Catalyst A whole lot of new Mirror's Edge Catalyst news has just been dropped off here and one of the bigger things would be the dates for the closed Beta that was announced. It looks like DICE and EA have both agreed that April 22nd is going to be the start date and that the 26th is going to be the end date. Code for the closed beta for Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be going out for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions between the 22nd and 23rd for all of those who put their name in for a chance to help shape the way the social play system of the game works. Read More...
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Let's Take A Tour Of The City Of Glass From Mirror's Edge Catalyst
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of March 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst Another Mirror's Edge Catalyst developer diary has come out and we get some further details on Mirror's Edge Catalyst's City Of Glass Another developer diary for Mirror's Edge Catalyst has been released here and this time we get to see more on one of the major players in the game. Not any of the big named characters that DICE has crafted for us but I am talking about the City of Glass itself. It looks like it will have more to offer up in Mirror's Edge Catalyst than the small subsection we were able to experience in the first game of the franchise. Read More...
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New Details About The Factions In Mirror's Edge Catalyst Are Out There
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of March 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst The story and world of Mirror's Edge Catalyst has been expanded yet again as we get a look at the factions in Mirror's Edge Catalyst's city of glass It looks like some more Mirror's Edge Catalyst new slid right by almost undetected. It seems that EA has updated the official website without huge word and they have detailed out more on the factions that are changing the game's world. By the looks of things DICE is putting a lot more thought into the story of Mirror's Edge Catalyst than just "these people are bad because we say so" as the last title had. At least that was my takeaway from what I remember. Read More...
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New Mirror's Edge Catalyst Developer Diary Shows Off Enhancements
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of March 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst A new Mirror's Edge Catalyst developer diary has been released showing all of the basics but also new gameplay for Mirror's Edge Catalyst and how it has all evolved Another developer diary for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been released and it does what most of them do; titillate without any substance. I'll never understand when companies like DICE do this but there is something new to watch for the game. Of course this could all be On EA's side of holding back information until we get closer to launch but seeing as Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a ways off with its May 24th release date I think we all need something more to tide us over. Read More...
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst Shows Off How To Hit & Move
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of March 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Two more gameplay trailers for Mirror's Edge Catalyst have been release and the both emphasize on the huge improvements from Mirror's Edge on combat and movement More gameplay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has seeped out into the world and is ready for our digestion. This time we get to see how DICE perfected the combat and movement aspects of the game from where they once were. Not that there was a huge issue on any of the in my book but as long as EA is paying for it they might as well make some improvements. We wouldn't want to pay for something that we already had right? Read More...
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Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Has A New Trailer & Beta Incoming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of February 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst A new story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been released as well as a closed beta for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to be signed up for has gone live Earlier this week we were told that we would get an update or something for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Here we are almost at the end of the week and it looks like DICE and EA have kept their word as we have a new story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to gawk at and enjoy. I was personally hoping to here that the game was getting an earlier release date than May 24th but it looks like the wait for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to land on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC is going to be just as long as we thought before. At least we have a new trailer I guess. Read More...
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Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Is Adding More Combat & Speed To The Mix
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of January 2016 - 10:00 PM ]
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst The pre-order bonuses for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst have shown up on Amazon and it looks like fans will be getting two extra packs for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to further expand the game It's been a while since we've had any updates on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst since the release date shifting. Thankfully it looks like things are still on track for the game to launch on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 24th. Also thankfully it looks like this new update is in terms of a little extra for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst from DICE and EA if you shell out the cash to secure the game early. Read More...
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Don't Lose Faith As Mirror's Edge Catalyst Is Delayed To May
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 29th of October 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Mirror's Edge Catalyst News has just broke that Mirror's Edge Catalyst will now be delayed until May so the developers can make Mirror's Edge Catalyst a better game Now for some terrifying news out there for Mirror's Edge Catalyst. It seems the season and it would be a bit expected, the terrifying part and such, but it looks like DICE has delayed the game from February 23rd 2016 to May 24th of 2016. That's a whole three months more that we are going to have to wait for Mirror's Edge Catalyst to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC and that is horrible news indeed. Not so terrifying now that I place those thoughts down but Halloween time needs a bit of terror and Mirror's Edge Catalyst being delayed kind of fits. Read More...
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Faith Is Restored With New Mirror's Edge Catalyst Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of August 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
A new gameplay trailer for Mirror's Edge Catalyst was shown off at Gamescom 2015 and it shows us all that Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be the reboot to the franchise we've wanted When I first heard that Mirror's Edge Catalyst was going to be a reboot of sorts for the franchise I was a little worried as I didn't think it needed a reboot. After my experience with it at E3 I was calmed down a little as it looked like DICE was going in the right direction even if it felt more like an expansion to the world and not a new title. After seeing what EA had to present for Mirror's Edge Catalyst during Gamescom here I think my worries are now pretty much faded away as even if it isn't going to be coined a sequel Mirror's Edge Catalyst is exactly what I was hoping for back when it was called Mirror's Edge 2. Read More...
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E3 2015 Hands On — Mirror's Edge Catalyst
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of June 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Was Able To See Mirror's Edge Catalyst In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It Moving into E3 Mirror's Edge Catalyst was another one of those titles that received the announcement treatment just before the expo proper and I wasn't expecting to see much more than a few gameplay demos and factoids abound. During the EA press event though it was let loose that those at E3 would be able to actually play Mirror's Edge Catalyst on the floor alongside the February 23rd, 2016 release date on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. I was lucky enough to be able to get my dirty little hands all over Mirror's Edge Catalyst to see if it lived up to the hype we all had so far as well as see if the bells and whistles for the reboot to the Mirror's Edge franchise would be the game we've been waiting for from DICE. Read More...
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Watch EA's 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below We made it through the Microsoft briefing and now it is on to what EA has to bring us. Based on what we had to see earlier today it is safe to bet we are going to get to see more on Garden Warfare 2 and most definitely more on the wealth of Star Wars that EA is working on here. It is also pretty damn sure we are going to get a look at all of the new EA Sports titles, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Need For Speed. Pretty much the usual suspects that we always get to see during EA's big showcases at E3. Read More...
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