Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
A new story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has been released as well as a closed beta for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to be signed up for has gone live
Earlier this week we were told that we would get an update or something for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Here we are almost at the end of the week and it looks like DICE and EA have kept their word as we have a new story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to gawk at and enjoy. I was personally hoping to here that the game was getting an earlier release date than May 24th but it looks like the wait for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to land on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC is going to be just as long as we thought before. At least we have a new trailer I guess.
From the look of the following story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst it looks like a bit more than the mechanics and world have been altered here. It looks like Faith has undergone a complete change in reasons from the first title and is looking more like a "freedom fighter" than a courier as was established before. I can't deny that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst looks amazing in both cut scene and gameplay but it feels like DICE has removed an aspect of the character in lieu of adding more action the franchise than before. Hopefully the overall feel isn't going to be lost.
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst — I Am Faith
If you were hoping that the news from EA about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was going to be a bit more than just a new trailer then be glad that you stuck around after spying the new trailer. On top of the video it looks like sign-ups for the closed beta for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst have opened up today and you can try to gain your place on any of the platforms you prefer to play the game on right now. Just head on over to mirrorsedge.com/beta and go through the normal steps and then just wait.
As of now there hasn't been any word on when the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta will go live or what it will hold for us all but I am going to guess that it will be in the next month or two and will focus on the open world aspect that has been discussed by DICE already. It could be more or sooner but that would be my best guess. Either way some of us will be getting a taste of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst a little bit before the rest of the world. At least if you are one of the lucky chosen.
What did you think about Mirror’s Edge Catalyst's new story trailer shown here? Does it look like it is deviating from what we all grew to love from the original game? Are you hyped about the closed beta coming for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and curious on what will be included? Let us know and discuss in the comments. Once we get more on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst out of EA we will have the news right here. Be sure to keep an eye out on the site for all of that as it should be in short order.