Mirror’s Edge Catalyst
The pre-order bonuses for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst have shown up on Amazon and it looks like fans will be getting two extra packs for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to further expand the game
It's been a while since we've had any updates on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst since the release date shifting. Thankfully it looks like things are still on track for the game to launch on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on May 24th. Also thankfully it looks like this new update is in terms of a little extra for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst from DICE and EA if you shell out the cash to secure the game early. Or better known as pre-order bonuses as the Amazon page for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has updated all of that info for us. Also a nice little look at the collector's edition that is coming for the game.
Get ready to brace yourself here as the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst pre-order bonuses…are nothing to write home about just yet though. It looks like there are two new packs, Combat & Speed, that sound like extra "challenge modes" more than anything to show off all of your skill with the game. In addition to that, pre-ordering Mirror’s Edge Catalyst over on Amazon also looks to get you some "Projection Shaders" that will alter your character's look when invading other player's games. Pretty much to show off how much you wanted Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and were willing to pre-order from the sounds of it.
Here's what can be spied over on the site for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst in terms of pre-order. It's not the best but at least it is something for those diehard fans out there. Right?
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst on Amazon
Pre-Order Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and get the Combat & Speed Runner Kit at release. Fight for your freedom and show off your perfect technique and power with the Combat Runner Kit. Run free, run fast and show the world how you master the city with the Speed Runner Kit. Get unique in-game items such as a combat-themed & speed-themed Projection Shader, changing how you appear in other player’s worlds, a Runner Tag to stand out in the leaderboards, and a unique background to customize your Screen Hacks.
What are your thoughts on the Mirror’s Edge Catalyst pre-order bonuses listed here? Does it sound like a few extra challenges to keep the game flowing from DICE or do you think it could be something different? Are you looking forward to the asynchronous multiplayer world of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst when it comes? Let us know in the comments below and discuss away. When and if we get any further updates from EA on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst we will have them here for you. Be sure to stick around for all of that as it comes.