We made it through the Microsoft briefing and now it is on to what EA has to bring us. Based on what we had to see earlier today it is safe to bet we are going to get to see more on Garden Warfare 2 and most definitely more on the wealth of Star Wars that EA is working on here. It is also pretty damn sure we are going to get a look at all of the new EA Sports titles, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Need For Speed. Pretty much the usual suspects that we always get to see during EA's big showcases at E3. There are many other things I am hopeful for but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
Wouldn't it be awesome if EA had a new Dead Space to give us? Or that ever hoped for Brutal Legend 2? Ever hoped for at least in my list of EA titles but most likely not going to happen anytime soon. I can be hopeful and hold out. Let's just not get the plethora of EA mobile titles taking up the stage and placed firmly on the show floor so we can get the big names out of the way here. Again, being extremely hopeful on my end and we'll have to wait and see. Come on new IPs too! You know we all want more new IPs here too.
Let's sit back now and have a watch for what EA has to bring us. As with all of these larger press events, keep an eye here for more on what EA has to show off at E3 here as we will be hitting up everything that we can while on the floor at E3. Let us know if there is anything specific you want us asked and looked at from EA down in the comments here.
EA — E3 2015 Press Conference