Mirror's Edge Catalyst
News has just broke that Mirror's Edge Catalyst will now be delayed until May so the developers can make Mirror's Edge Catalyst a better game
Now for some terrifying news out there for Mirror's Edge Catalyst. It seems the season and it would be a bit expected, the terrifying part and such, but it looks like DICE has delayed the game from February 23rd 2016 to May 24th of 2016. That's a whole three months more that we are going to have to wait for Mirror's Edge Catalyst to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC and that is horrible news indeed. Not so terrifying now that I place those thoughts down but Halloween time needs a bit of terror and Mirror's Edge Catalyst being delayed kind of fits.
The news of this was released out of the Mirror's Edge Catalyst news site directly and the reasons given for the delay are pretty much the standard "it needs more polish" when all is said and done. Personally I see it as a way for EA to corner the market as the new date currently doesn't have any competition and the original would have placed Mirror's Edge Catalyst up against some other highly anticipated titles. It makes sense but of course there is nothing on paper or digital paper to indicate those reasons to the public. But basic logic would dictate…
Here's the official announcement that was given about the Mirror's Edge Catalyst delay for your reading pleasure.
Years ago, we set out an ambitious vision for Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Achieving that vision and delivering the best possible experience is equally inspiring and challenging. And it takes time. We set out to create a vast city to explore, full of stunning vistas, majestic skyscrapers, and mysterious tunnels. We’re building the most immersive action-adventure game with fluid movement and combat in first person. Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be an all-new playground with a deeper and more engaging story - and we want to accomplish all these goals to the highest quality possible.
So we’ve made the decision to bring Mirror's Edge to the world starting May 24, 2016. We will use these few extra months to make sure that when you step into the massive City of Glass and experience the rise of Faith, it’s as entertaining, impressive, and memorable as it can be.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst has received an incredible response from fans around the world over the past months. You’ve been eager to see the return of Faith and the unique style and gameplay that only Mirror's Edge can create. Witnessing your positive reactions has been amazing motivation for me and the rest of our passionate team at DICE.
Thank you again for your patience and support. Keep the Faith.
Sara Jansson
Do you think that Mirror's Edge Catalyst being delayed is all about bringing us the best that DICE can pump out there? Is it more along the lines of EA wanting to have a release date all to their own for the game? Does the delay of Mirror's Edge Catalyst hurt you inside just a bit? Let us know and let's talk about it all down in the comments below. If there are any further updates about this delay or just Mirror's Edge Catalyst in general we will have them all right here for you so be sure to keep checking back in for all of those as they come.