Mirror's Edge
Two more gameplay trailers for Mirror's Edge Catalyst have been release and the both emphasize on the huge improvements from Mirror's Edge on combat and movement
More gameplay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has seeped out into the world and is ready for our digestion. This time we get to see how DICE perfected the combat and movement aspects of the game from where they once were. Not that there was a huge issue on any of the in my book but as long as EA is paying for it they might as well make some improvements. We wouldn't want to pay for something that we already had right?
Below you can see two new trailers filled with gameplay of Mirror's Edge Catalyst. The one for movement seems to be filled with much more new content than the combat one. At least if you have been keeping up with Mirror's Edge Catalyst so far and have ingested all of the other gameplay. Both seemed filled with footage from the prior videos but there are a few new looks mixed in as well all while showing us how fluid everything can be once we master the controls of the game.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Movement
I do have to say that if this is all gameplay for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst it does look like there are more cinematic transitions mixed into the free flow movement. This of course could just be how the videos were cut, most likely, but wouldn't it be interesting to have some third person shots mixed into the gameplay to truly show you how awesome Faith is in Mirror's Edge Catalyst? It's not like this hasn't been done in other games but it would be a first, and welcomed thing to me, for the franchise.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Combat
What are your thoughts on Mirror's Edge Catalyst after seeing the above? Does it look like DICE is going above and beyond for the game or are they just slightly tweaking a winning formula for us all? Would you be interested in seeing some of the action of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst cut like the videos above? Let us know what you think and discuss away in the comments. Hopefully EA will give us more to digest for the game in the future. For that and more stick around and we will bring it.