Mirror's Edge Catalyst
The dates for the Mirror's Edge Catalyst closed beta have been set and we also get a nice long look at a mission from Mirror's Edge Catalyst
A whole lot of new Mirror's Edge Catalyst news has just been dropped off here and one of the bigger things would be the dates for the closed Beta that was announced. It looks like DICE and EA have both agreed that April 22nd is going to be the start date and that the 26th is going to be the end date. Code for the closed beta for Mirror's Edge Catalyst will be going out for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions between the 22nd and 23rd for all of those who put their name in for a chance to help shape the way the social play system of the game works.
I did say Social Play there as that is the name of the multiplayer system implemented for the game this go around. For those most part it looks like it is just a way to craft races and timed trials in Mirror's Edge Catalyst and then share them out to see if anyone can do better than you. Just about what could be assumed given the core gameplay of the game and everything. What does look interesting is the use of 'ghosts' to show other players just how you did what you did the best time you ran the course.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — Social Play
If all of that wasn't enough for you to get ready for next week's closed beta it looks like we have some uncut gameplay footage to go along with it all. I am not certain which mission in Mirror's Edge Catalyst this could be but it is a nice little story mission from start to end that gives you a feel for the open world free running and all of the moves you will need to get around and complete the objectives set forth. Of course this will spoil some of the story so if you want to go in completely clean you may want to skip the next video that we have here.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst — A Full, Uncut Mission
Are you excited to play the Mirror's Edge Catalyst closed beta? Do you think that DICE will give us a few other options in terms of the multiplayer aspect or will it be just crafting little races and runs and that will be it? What are your thoughts on the above mission that we have to see? Let us know what you think and discuss away in the comments below. For more on Mirror's Edge Catalyst and updates on the closed beta be sure to keep your browser set right here so you can be kept up to date as much as we are.