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Overwatch 2 Is Announced With All The Usual Bells & Whistles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of November 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
Overwatch This year’s Blizzcon also brought the announcement of Overwatch 2 to us so we can continue on the fun that Overwatch gives us all Adding to the growing list of titles announced out at Blizzcon comes Overwatch 2. One of the ones that many had a feeling that Blizzard was working on and now we have official word that it is in the works and coming to the PC, Xbox One, Switch, and PS4 when it is finally ready to come to us all. You know, the usual form that the developer goes with their games. That and since Overwatch is still going strong, I am sure that there is no real rush to get the new one out there. Read More...
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Diablo IV Officially Announced & Hell Is Now Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of November 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Diablo Diablo IV has been officially announced out at Blizzcon and we will soon get to see the Diablo franchise live on in its Hellish ways The rumors are no put to rest as Diablo IV has been officially revealed to the world during Blizzcon and we can see how horrifying it is going to be at the end of it all. In terms of actual horror and not a slight towards the work the people over at Blizzard are putting into the game. Totally different things to look at here. Read More...
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Overwatch Is Introducing Us To Moira Who Will Be Coming Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of November 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Overwatch A new ‘hero’ is coming to Overwatch and we have our first look at Moira before she vows to bring down Overwatch with her powers If you were not paying attention out at Blizzcon here recently then you may have missed a few new things that are heading to Overwatch here soon. A few things like a new map and another new hero for the game are now coming out there from Blizzard and trying to add even more into the mix of things. That is right, we have a new character heading to Overwatch and it is high time to meet Moira and all of her "unethical" ways. At least some will see them as unethical as she is definitely not on the side of good and righteousness here. Read More...
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Overwatch Is Heading To Consoles & Getting Some Cool Extras In Tow
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of November 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Overwatch During Blizzcon it has been announced that Overwatch is hitting the consoles and it is getting an Overwatch: Origins Edition to do so As was to be expected it looks like Overwatch is getting a collector's edition of sorts and in this we have a solid confirmation that it is also heading to the PS4 and Xbox One platforms In addition to the already known PC version. Well more of a special edition and then a collector's edition if we want to be more succinct about this here for Overwatch. Both of which will be bringing a whole slew of goodies not only for Overwatch but pretty much every other major IP that Blizzard currently has up and running. Read More...
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Blizzard Just Announced Their First New IP In A While: Overwatch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of November 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Fresh out of Blizzcon 2014 Blizzard has announced Overwatch their first fully new IP in 17 years It has been about 17 years since Blizzard has moved away from any title that wasn't Diablo, Warcraft, or StarCraft based so it was quite a shock to here that they are working on a new title named Overwatch. This is a team based, first person shooter which is another interesting deviation for the company but not one that isn't going to be welcomed with open arms. I'm not even a huge Blizzard fan who spends all of my time and money on their games and I'll admit what we've seen so far for Overwatch has piqued my interest and garnered my watchful eye. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Nine: Blitz On Blizzcon
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 31st of October 2011 - 04:28 PM ]
Episode 89 has the Aggrocast mixing things up. Writer Matthew Waitt joins Brian and Corey for the podcast filled with talk of World of Warcraft and everything Blizzcon 2011. You'll also hear Brian pretty much speechless as he tries to wrap his head around why people are still excited about WoW. It's not just a WoW podcast, as we talk about Diablo III, Starcraft II and the almost complete absence of Titan. We also learn more about Matt, do Whatcha Been Playing and still make time for a sweet Care / Don't Care. We are currently still having a technical issue with our usual feeds, so in the mean time, click here to listen, press play below or use the link below to download it directly. Read More...
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Mists Of Pandaria Is The Next WoW Expansion
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 21st of October 2011 - 09:16 PM ]
What started out as an April fool's joke has just turned into something far more serious. That's right folks; Mists of Pandaria is the new expansion to World of Warcraft. Blizzard said that they would be turning out expansions for World of Warcraft a lot sooner than they did in the past. Before there was an expansion about once every two years. But Cataclysm has only been out for about twelve months, so I guess Blizzard held up their promises. Anyways, the new trailer shows off the land of Pandaria, a place highly influenced by Asian culture and architecture. Read More...
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Foo Fighters Set To Rock BlizzCon 2011
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 28th of September 2011 - 05:01 PM ]
Every year BlizzCon bring some of the most amazing talent to their closing ceremonies at BlizzCon and this year is no exception. Usually fans wait patiently to find out who will be this year's guest and Blizzard has really outdone themselves. With past musical performances by Tenacious D, Ozzy Osbourne and The Offspring, this year we will welcome the Foo Fighters will grace the stage at the Anaheim convention center during the event held October 21st - 22nd. Over the course of their 16-year career, the Foo Fighters have sold tens of millions of records, won half a dozen Grammy awards, and raised countless voices in sing-alongs of iconic anthems like "Everlong," "My Hero," "Learn to Fly", "All My Life," “Best of You,” and “The Pretender.” Foo Fighters' BlizzCon debut marks founder Dave Grohl's triumphant return to the convention after playing drums for Tenacious D in last year's show, and comes during an international arena, stadium, and festival tour promoting their seventh album, the international #1 record Wasting Light. Read More...
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WarCorner: Blizzard Announces Vanity Pet Murkablo
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 26th of August 2011 - 05:43 PM ]
Blizzcon is less than two months away and Blizzard has just announced that players who attend Blizzcon '11 on October 21st and 22nd at the Anaheim convention or those that pay $40 for the Pay Per View virtual ticket, will get the highly anticipated vanity pet Murkablo. It's like having a little Diablo in your Warcraft. Although this is not the first Diablo vanity pet found in World of Warcraft, as Mini-Tyrael was the pet given out at Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational back in 2008, it's still very exciting. We saw some brief video of this little fire breather back in June when a few data mining sites pulled him from the "depths of hell" and gave us a short preview. Read More...
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WarCorner: Real ID Party Available For Testing
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 15th of July 2011 - 04:30 PM ]
Blizzard a while back made mention that players would be able to group together (same faction) and be able to run through random dungeons together across servers. Crazy I know, but it is Blizzard. They have the technology and the man power to make such miracles happen. I got an e-mail today confirming just that. The Real ID Party system went into live testing today and players will be able to experience cross-realm game play with friends. How this works is players will be required to have the Real ID of their friends they want to play with and invite them into a group. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2011 Announced...Early?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 04:45 PM ]
Well this was unexpected and really early this year. Blizzard announced Blizzcon 2011 with the least amount of details, just a date, time and place. Honestly this is the earliest Blizzard has ever announced this event, hell were still getting over the last one that was less than four months ago.Here's what we know. It will be from October 21st to October 22nd at the Anaheim convention center in California. It will have all the titles from Warcraft, Starcraft to Diablo. Read More...
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Blizzard Announces Cataclysm Launch Events
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 22nd of November 2010 - 09:58 PM ]
With The Shattering quickly coming upon us, and only two weeks away from the actual launch of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, it's time to don your party hats and celebrate the most anticipated launch title with Blizzard. The launch announcement comes right after news that this week we will see the launch of patch 4.0.3a The Shattering, which will destroy the face of Azeroth forever. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2010 In A Nutshell
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 25th of October 2010 - 10:16 PM ]
Here we are, the day after the most anticipated weekend of conventions, Blizzcon. For your typical Blizzcon, it seemed they didn't have any major announcements this year. No Diablo III release date. No word on their new MMO (World of Jersey Shorecraft??) but I will say the cosplay contest was probably the best I've seen so far. Chris Metzen hosted this year's keynote, and after some Blizzard buffs, we broke into a steady run of news beginning with the next WoW expansion. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will be on sale December 7th, and for those that don't want to wait in line at midnight, players can buy and download directly from the website in advance. Read More...
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Diablo III New Class Revealed At Blizzcon 2010
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 25th of October 2010 - 04:16 PM ]
Blizzcon is over and that means news. Everyone including myself was expecting a release date for Diablo III, but instead we got a reveal of the 5th class called the Demon Hunter. The Demon Hunter is a dual crossbow wielding, bola throwing, walking ball of destruction. Check out the Trailer below, as well as a look at some of the game play. I'll let the videos speak from themselves. Here's a video of the Demon Hunter in action. Read More...
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Blizzcon's Closing Ceremonies Will Melt Faces
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 12th of October 2010 - 04:02 PM ]
Blizzcon is notorious for their closing ceremonies, and 2010 will be no different. With performances by The Offspring, Patton Oswalt and the prince of darkness himself Ozzy Osbourne, the closing ceremonies have talked about around the world. Not to mention Blizzard has their in house band "The Artists Formerly Known as Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain" who always put on an awesome show. Well it's 2010 and Blizzard has announced that they will be bringing us the band that has soared on the wings of demons, and battled the devil himself, but will probably just perform some sort of "tribute". Tenacious D (featuring Jack Black and Kyle Gass) will be gracing the stage for the closing ceremonies. Read More...
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