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A New Rundown Of All The Control Diaries Holds Something New
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Control A new mashup of Control’s developer diaries is here to recap as well as tease a new announcement for another character joining in on Control Maybe you have kept up on all of the Control updates or maybe you have missed out on a few. There has been quite a few since we first caught wind of the game from Remedy. All of which have been presented in the team's unique way of going about things. Some of it has been as ominous as we could expect for Control, sure, but some has been pretty straightforward for us to take in. Read More...
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Here We Go With More “Visions” For No Man’s Sky
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 22nd of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
No Man’s Sky The next update for No Man’s Sky to take in and further expand No Man’s Sky into the game that was originally promised If you have been sticking with No Man’s Sky, good on you, then you will want to know that there is a new update to bring it closer to what we were first told it would be. Even after all of those other gamers out there gave Hello Games such a huge issue for delivering what they did, they have stuck with it and have a load of new updates hitting the PS4, Xbox One, and PC today. Interesting to see that happen on Thanksgiving, but it is when it was scheduled so fans of No Man’s Sky can dig in while waiting for their feast to be prepared. Read More...
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Review — Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of November 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Assassin’s Creed We sit down and review Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. The next in the long-running franchise that takes us to Ancient Greece. Here is our review of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey It has been a long time and we have finally hit an era I have been hoping for with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, as we have gone back to Ancient Greece to see how it fits into the grander scheme of the franchise. It has been the location and era I have been selecting for years now when Ubisoft has placed out their surveys looking for ideas. It just seems right for the Assassin’s Creed universe to me and now we are heading there. Read More...
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Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden’s PC Requirements Detailed So You Are Ready
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Mutant Year Zero The PC requirements for Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden are detailed out so you can make sure you are fully ready for Mutant Year Zero’s launch With all of the Holiday stuff going on here and the release of Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden coming up, it may be time for those PC gamers who want to give it a go to take stock of their rigs and see if they can run the game. You still have time between now and December 4th when Funcom is bringing the game to market. Not a lot of time, but unlike the PS4 and Xbox One crowds you will need to make sure you will be able to show Mutant Year Zero the full respect and hardware that The Bearded Ladies built the game to run on. Read More...
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Hitman 2’s First Elusive Target Is Wandering The Ever-Growing World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of November 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Hitman The mission briefing for Hitman 2’s First Elusive Target is here, as well as an update on how the future of Hitman may be unfolding Well, Hitman 2 has been out for a week now and it has been another solid entry into the franchise. We took our time playing through it and have placed our thoughts up on the site, but that does not mean the IO Interactive is done with the game. It would be insane to think that after Warner Bros. took the time to pick up the Hitman IP and then funded this latest project. Read More...
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Just More Facts On The Turf Wars Going On In Spider-Man
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Spider-Man A new “Just The Facts” video for Spider-Man is here to help explain more of what Spider-Man will have to handle in the DLC that has just dropped The next DLC for Spider-Man is here and ready for those out there who have the Season Pass or looking to pick it up on its own. However you are aiming to keep the story going as Insomniac Games keeps pumping it all out there. It is one of the best games of the year to hit the PS4 and worth it. This is all stuff that we should all know for now, but it is time to have a look at what this new bit for Spider-Man is bringing in. Read More...
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Kingdom Hearts III Has Finished Development & Set For Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Kingdom Hearts It looks like Kingdom Hearts III has wrapped up development and we have a new trailer to look at Kingdom Hearts III to celebrate it all Here we go with some great news for Kingdom Hearts III as it looks like the game has wrapped development and poised to hit that January 29th release date for the PS4 and Xbox One. It did not seem like it was going to be a huge issue for Square Enix to hit the mark, but it is now confirmed and we can set the date in stone for ourselves now. That is unless there is some reason they find to push out the date for Kingdom Hearts III a bit longer. Read More...
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Walk About Even More Gameplay Of The Resident Evil 2 Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of November 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Resident Evil More gameplay for the Resident Evil 2 Remake is here to give us yet another look at how Resident Evil 2 is being remade from the ground up It is time for more gameplay to hit us for the upcoming Resident Evil 2 Remake here and it looks like the team over at Capcom is delivering. At least for now. That said, we have a nice long bit of gameplay to take in and see how things have been upgraded and altered for Resident Evil 2 since it first hit us twenty years ago. It seriously does not seem that long ago, but the math says otherwise. Read More...
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Just Cause 4 Dive Deeper Into What It Offers Just Before Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Just Cause A new “deep dive” video for Just Cause 4 is here to show off more of what Just Cause 4 will have for us when it launches in a few weeks There has to be someone out there who has little to no knowledge of Just Cause 4 as of yet as we have another video diving into what the game has to offer. Not only the game but also the franchise that Avalanche Studios is expanding on yet again. It would seem that if you have not heard of Just Cause yet and have missed the basics, you might just want to check in with how you are living your life. Read More...
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Learn The Basics Of The Riddle Of Sorrows For Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Darksiders We have a new look at the intro to Darksiders III as well as a bit more of the Darksiders lore we will be diving into with the game Just one more week and we will be diving into the new adventures of Darksiders III on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At least for those who have been interested and hopefully all caught up on the story thus far. Also, I guess, those who are diehard fans of Gunfire Games and will dive into whatever they are pumping out there. Not that Darksiders III does not look amazing and we should be excited in general, it is one of my favorite franchises, but there is a lot of lore and backstory to catch up on for those who may have missed out so far. Read More...
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Review — Hitman 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of November 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Hitman We sit down and review Hitman 2. The story continues as Agent 47 continues his assassination spree. Here is our review of Hitman 2 The world of assassination is back in full swing as Hitman 2 is finally here and fully out on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. IO Interactive is back in the saddle to give us more to kill and sneak through with Warner Bros. at the helm of publishing the game. It is something that some thought could have caused a problem, but it is almost too hard to make a bad Hitman title as it would seem. Read More...
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Fury’s Apocalypse Is About To Kick Off In Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Darksiders Fury is back with more story for Darksiders III as a new trailer that shows where it will all go and how it ties into the rest of Darksiders It is crazy to think about how fast the release of Darksiders III is coming upon us here as we only have a few more weeks until we are back in the saddle and joining Fury on her quest. It truly does feel like it was not too long ago that Gunfire Games announced it all and now we are just over ten days out from launch. This is not what we are going to focus on here, though, as we do have a new trailer for Darksiders III to dive into as we wait until THQ Nordic gets all of those copies of the game shipping out there. Read More...
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Here Is A Deeper Delve Into The World Of Arca’s Path
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Arca’s Path The next developer diary for Arca’s Path is here to take us deeper into the lore and world of Arca’s Path just a little bit ahead of launch Here we go with another look at Arca’s Path just ahead of it hitting the Oculus, Vive, and PSVR on December 4th. It has been an interesting title in my eyes since I first had a chance to experience what Dream Reality Interactive has been working on and now we all get a better sense of what is going on the world of the game. Besides the rolling of a ball using your head as the controller and trying to solve the different puzzles in Arca’s Path. There is more story behind it all is where I am going with this and the latest developer diary Rebellion has up for us goes right into all of that. Read More...
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Dive Into The Forge Of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Tomb Raider The next DLC for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is here to put Lara to another test and ensure that she is fully ready to be the Tomb Raider The new DLC for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is here and you may be missing out on it all as you read this. That is if you picked up the Season Pass for the game or just missed the word that Eidos-Montréal has dropped it out there on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Things happen and we do have a whole lot of video games popping up here right now. In any instance, you can use this as another reminder that the latest DLC for Shadow Of The Tomb Raider is here and ready for you to play. Read More...
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Jump Force Is Awakening Some Final Forms Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Jump Force More gameplay for Jump Force is here to show off some final forms for a few of the characters on the roster of Jump Force with more to come Get ready for some more of the ultimate forms to show up in Jump Force here as it looks like we are getting to see them here fresh out of the X018 Showcase. Well, for those characters in the game from the Dragon Ball universe. Bandai Namco has had the team place in the Blue and Gold forms of the characters, as they fit, and we can see it just below. Read More...
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