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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of April 2009 - 06:34 PM ]
Final Fantasy XIII Demo While the official release date for the Demo for FFXIII isn't slated until, well today in Japan (3amish on the 16th as of this post), it didn't stop some people from getting their copies a bit early. Which of course doesn't stop them from taking screen shots and post video of the game online. Huzzah interwebs! Of course these are going to only be the first of a flood now that the new Advent Children bundled with the Demo has dropped. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of April 2009 - 06:00 PM ]
Saw Game Producer Interviewed So now that Konami has been attached to the game as well as some of the screen shots and video popping up, looks like the steam roller for this game has been started. Which is good since it is slated for this October, most likely around when the 6th film is coming out. But little has been brought up on what you are suppose to do in the game. I was thinking little mini-games/puzzles like in Blown Away. Read More...
Tags: Saw, Konami, XBox, PS3, PC,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of April 2009 - 05:15 PM ]
NINTENDO TO SET SUMMER '09 ABLAZE WITH WII MOTIONPLUS AND WII SPORTS RESORT Announced almost a year ago and suppose to have been out by the end of last year, Nintendo has finally set the date for when the world will be able to add an extra inch to their WiiMote. That is the attachment of the WiiMotion Plus device that is suppose to give better tracking of 3D space to your Wii games. As long as developers have placed in the code for such things. But in any instance, us in the USofA can look forward to picking up the little thing on June 8th for the low cost of $19. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of April 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
inFamous Not Releasing This June, After All We're all use to it by now. A new game is coming out. A date is chosen for launch. When there is little over a month or two before the launch, the date get's changed and we all should have thought so in the first place. At least that is generally the case. And it is kind of the case here with Sucker Punch's date for inFAMOUS. Only we won't be sad at all about the date, unless they could have used the extra time to polish things up. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of April 2009 - 06:03 PM ]
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits Let me ask you a question, am I the only one that isn't a fan of greatest hits albums from bands? Compilations of songs that I already own but the band thinks that they are the best of their collection and need to make another CD of just these songs. Making the need to shell out more cash to pick up songs a new disk that I already paid good hard cash for. How does this make sense in a world? Really? Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 10:22 PM ]
More Details On The Secret World Wow that didn't take long for Funcom at all. Just yesterday I brought you a debut trailer for this new MMO stating that there wasn't much else stated about this game outside of the teaser trailer. That and a website that just pretty much showed off said video, and a couple of grayed out images, and a weird countdown in a weird font. But that changes just a bit today. Just released are those images in a color and clearer shot as well as a small overview/fact sheet for the game. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 06:15 PM ]
KONAMI ANNOUNCES SILENT SCOPE COMING SOON TO APPLE APP STORE Just one more step towards trailing all humans how to efficiently kill with a sniper scope. Or at least to kill using an interface that could control a sniper scope. Yea, think like in the movie The Jackal. Aim and kill with just the touch of your finger to the iPhone screen. Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the idea, I hope. But in all seriousness, Konami today announced that they are working on a full on version of Silent Scope for the iPhone. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 05:15 PM ]
Rock Band Unplugged Does anyone else remember a little game Harmonix made oh so long ago called Amplitude? Where you flew a space craft around on different tracks and shot down "notes" to keep the beat, vocals, etc. going on a song playing in the background. You could upgrade and change your avatars and ships based on your scores. Also had some kick ass music that has yet to be fully seen on any of Harmonix's current projects. Ring a bell? Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of April 2009 - 08:34 PM ]
The Secret World Trailer Some of you may have forgotten all about this game. Hell it was announced a little under 2 years ago. Thrown to the side to make way for other Funcom products, at least as it comes to the marketing stand point of things. Like I said, heard nothing about this MMO for some time. Well that is until just recently. A teaser video has been sprouting up for this game. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of April 2009 - 06:07 PM ]
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 For some reason Marvel would rather slowly tease us all with a slow release of playable characters for the next ultimate alliance game. Very slowly it would seem. Almost one a month from the count that I have seen. At least outside of the original outburst of characters that were assumed to carry over from the first game. But with around 24 playable characters, going at one a month won't be anywhere on time for their Autumn release schedule. Unless they plan to hammer us at E3 with a bunch of the others. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of April 2009 - 09:21 PM ]
Will Saw be Konami's second great horror franchise? (Plus, first screenshots) This title has been on and off just as much as Ross Perot was in the 1992 ellection. In fact there have been a total of three articles on this site talking about where it is in the process and who has been working on it. Well for you fans of the films and maybe fans of the game, I have some good news for you. Not to mention screens shots to add as well. Konami has picked up the rights to this publish this game, which is actually being designed and developed by Zombie Studios. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 31st of March 2009 - 05:47 PM ]
Overview Of OnLive If you have been paying attention to anything that has come out of this year's GDC, or at least following the Total Meltdown Podcast, you most likely heard some bit on the new service called OnLive that is being worked on. Some say it is the future of digital downloading, and others are skeptical about this new system that has been proposed. Which of course is why I went out to ask a few things from the people behind this service to get a few answers and information to give out. For those of you who have no clue what OnLive is, here is a an overview of it and in simpler terms for everyone. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 31st of March 2009 - 03:38 PM ]
Many Views Of inFAMOUS While not as preachy as the top ten that was passed around online yesterday, there are a load of new views and videos that just popped up for the PS3's inFAMOUS. Of course all just to get you looking closer to the game as it is releasing in the next few months. Which means that in the near future we can most likely see a nice PR battle between the inFAMOUS and [Prototype] camps to try and get your money over the other. But I digress yet again. Below there are a plethora of images and video showing quite a bit of what we can all expect to see and experience in the game. Read More...
Tags: inFAMOUS, PS3, Sony,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of March 2009 - 10:37 PM ]
Top 10 Reasons To Get [Prototype] If for some reason you didn't want to even give Radical Entertainment's game Prototype a good college try, no clue why one wouldn't really, then here is a list of the top ten reasons for you to consider. Or at least look at and think, holy hells why did I even not think to give it a play through. But in any instance, it may well change you mind or get you a little more excited for this game come this June. Oh, some of the reasons by the way, Projectile Dysfunction, Brutal Devastator Attacks, Jacking Military Vehicles, and Consume and Become Anyone. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of March 2009 - 08:48 PM ]
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Trailer Just as we all figured it would be, there is going to be a follow up to the hit Battlefield: Bad Company from EA and Dice. As you most likely also already figured, there are some new things to show off here for Battlefield: Bad Company 2. In fact if you are still looking at my words here and not below, then you are behind in the viewing pleasure. Both starter screens and video below. Which means you most likely skipped down already. Read More...
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