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OnLive Is Shutting Its Doors But Sony Is Getting Some Goods
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of April 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Game streaming service OnLive is shutting down at the end of the month but Sony has purchased some of their tech for some reason Some of you may have heard of OnLive or maybe even used the video game streaming service over the last few years since its launch. For those not in the know OnLive was a cool litter service that allowed users to purchase and play PC games without the need for a high-end system to run the graphics at the best settings. I was lucky enough to have used some of their hardware in the past and while the controller to keyboard syncs were not always the best, the service was nice and it did what you were paying for. Sadly it wasn't as big of a hit as the company had wanted and will be shutting the service down on April 30th. Read More...
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Review: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 31st of August 2011 - 08:27 PM ]
Join Corey and myself as we tear apart and heap praise upon Deus Ex: Human Revolution. We cover everything from basic game play to voice acting to the weirdness of the game world. We also go into why you should or shouldn't buy the game; this includes from GameStop. Enjoy the listen and review. We are currently still having a technical issue with our usual feeds, so in the mean time, click here to listen, press play below or use the link below to download it directly. Direct Download Deus Ex: Human Revolution was developed by Eidos Montreal and published by Square Enix on August 23rd 2011 for the PS3, XBox and PC. A PS3 copy of the game was supplied by the publisher for review purposes. Read More...
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How Will You Play Deus Ex?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of March 2011 - 10:41 PM ]
Want to see how you can change things up in Deus Ex: Human Revolution when it comes to play style? Then here is a video for you. If not, then why the hells did you even click into the article here? I mean seriously? Did you just want to see if there was something new to troll on or bitch about? Because we all know I save that kind of stuff for the middle or end of my writings; some of the time. For those who came here looking for those above mentioned play styles, look below at the video. It shows three different ways that you can tackle the mission set forth. Read More...
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New Deus Ex Visuals That Make You Go Hmm...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 06:45 PM ]
The more I see of Deus Ex: Human Revolution the more I really can't wait to get my hands on it. I mean it looks very impressive from everything we've seen including the new visuals below. But what is really snagging my attention is the overall theme of the game, "Should We Play God?" This being a concept I love to play with every day of existence only in this case it is with human genes, genetics and physiology. All the meaty parts of the human form. There are so many things that could be fixed or upgraded to the human condition. Read More...
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OnLive Now Giving Us Another Way To Be Voyeurs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of December 2010 - 09:47 PM ]
Raise your hand if you are a glutton for pain and torment. Also if you are a fan of being teased by others playing games while you are stuck somewhere you can't. I know my hand is staying down. But there is good news for you out there that are a fan of strip clubs and being teased. Just released on the iPad and Android Tablet is a way live spectate of any of the OnLive game sessions from around the world. That way of course being a new mobile app that is ready for download and does not, I repeat does not, require jail breaking to run the full-featured Flash, Silverlight and Windows 7 application. Just took Cloud computing to get Flash on an Apple product it seems. Read More...
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Keeping An Eye On Deus Ex
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of December 2010 - 05:39 PM ]
Let the "viral" marketing begin for Deus Ex: Human Revolution with a fun new website showcasing some of the great augmentations Sarif Industries will be offering up to everyone, Adam included. Not only that, but a lot of other interesting facts can be found by "Hacking" the system. If only the careers section worked. I'd totally be down for some R&D. But I digress. Read More...
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Onlive Monthly Charge Making a Come Back
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of December 2010 - 02:06 PM ]
I swear the monthly charge thing for Onlive is flip flopping more than Ross Perot's candidacy for President in the 90's. First they are going to charge a monthly fee just so you can buy or rent games. Then they take away the monthly fee and leave it open for anyone that wants to buy or rent games. Now they are offering a monthly fee again. At least this time it isn't just to have access to the games you have already purchased or rented. Looks like anyone that has picked up their MicroConsole or uses the PC/Mac app will have the ability to pay $9. Read More...
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Finally What Deus Ex Game Play Will Look Like
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of November 2010 - 04:19 PM ]
Up until now we have been given pre-rendered scenes and clips to show off Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Those clips did have some gorgeous visuals no doubt. I mean look at the studio and publisher for it, it's kind of what they are known for. But in the end, none of that did all that much to show off what we will actually get to control during the game. I also mean really control since the last "Game Play" clip was more scripted scenes than anything. Below is another clip showing off a bit more of what I mentioned we've missed so far, actual game play. Read More...
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Deus Ex Let's You Revolt By Shanking People
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of August 2010 - 05:16 PM ]
Let's face it, everyone likes to hand out a good old shanking to someone's face every now and then.* What better way to do that than a really cool "electrified" blade from behind? Am I right? Of course I am right. All proving-myself-right aside, it looks like that is just one of the really cool looking ways you will get to take down enemies in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. At least that is what I am gathering from these new screen shots handed out by Square Enix and Eidos for the game. If stabbing people isn't your bag, don't fret, there are a few other things you can observe. Read More...
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Gaming In The Clouds
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2010 - 11:19 PM ]
The Cloud. You've heard about it. You've probably use it in forms such as DropBox, Gmail, or the hundreds of other programs out there hosting your files so that no matter where you are, they are available at the click of a mouse. Just stick your files into Cyberspace, and worry about them later. With supercomputers and data centers hosting Peta-Bytes worth of data, it seems kind of silly that you have to install your favorite game onto your computer, or every computer that you want to play it on. You can do it with video, why not video games? Think about it for a sec, why fill up your hard drive with titles dependent on your computers hardware, and every time the newest Crysis inception is released you have to upgrade that hardware? Read More...
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OnLive Will Live
by Kevin [ Thursday, 1st of October 2009 - 04:40 PM ]
With the beta testing of this game-on-demand service launching not too long ago, it seems that OnLive has picked up even more steam and, perhaps, more ammunition against naysayers. Investors have gathered around the service and now include: AT&T Media Holdings, Lauder Partners and Maverick Capitol. These investors joined the ranks of other such partners as Warner Bros., who believe there may be a future in this. Yesterday a release from the CEO, via the official site, sounded as enthusiastic as ever: "Big news today — OnLive has closed a major round of funding with participation from AT&T Media Holdings, Inc. Read More...
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Bragging OnLive With Clips
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 31st of March 2009 - 05:47 PM ]
Overview Of OnLive If you have been paying attention to anything that has come out of this year's GDC, or at least following the Total Meltdown Podcast, you most likely heard some bit on the new service called OnLive that is being worked on. Some say it is the future of digital downloading, and others are skeptical about this new system that has been proposed. Which of course is why I went out to ask a few things from the people behind this service to get a few answers and information to give out. For those of you who have no clue what OnLive is, here is a an overview of it and in simpler terms for everyone. Read More...
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