Looks like anyone that has picked up their MicroConsole or uses the PC/Mac app will have the ability to pay $9.99/month to have full access to select games. Currently in a beta of sorts, that list comprises of:
- Prince of Persia
- NBA 2K10
- Tomb Raider: Underworld
- F.E.A.R. 2
- Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
- Unreal Tournament 3
- Vin Diesel Wheelman
- LEGO Batman
- Defense Grid Gold
- Saw
- World of Goo
This list is supposed to grow to over 40 titles by the official launch on January 15th 2011, but last I checked the entire list of games they offer is around 40. So what is the point of offering a monthly fee for unlimited play as well as the option to outright purchase the title? If it was more like Netflix Instant Streaming I could understand the need to have both à la carte purchasing as well as monthly fee.
To me, it would seem to be a no brainer to pay $9.99 a month to play all of the games they offer instead of paying $3.99 to $14.99 for limited access or pay full price for unlimited access. Unless they are going to be rolling out a huge assortment that will not be in the PlayPack, what would be the point in buying a full game from them? I could play and beat it in under a month for only $9.99. If I wanted to beat it again, I'd still have that option for a fraction of the full price.
This just seems like a stepping stone into getting rid of PlayPasses and rentals on their service. In fact I will not be surprised if one or the other is phased out shortly after the monthly pass goes live.