While the official release date for the Demo for FFXIII isn't slated until, well today in Japan (3amish on the 16th as of this post), it didn't stop some people from getting their copies a bit early. Which of course doesn't stop them from taking screen shots and post video of the game online. Huzzah interwebs! Of course these are going to only be the first of a flood now that the new Advent Children bundled with the Demo has dropped. Maybe someone will be nice and host a translated version for us who don't understand Japanese as well as we need to. At least to get the full experience of what is going on.
This game is looking more and more amazing as it progresses. I really can't wait for this game to come to it's fullness. Something that we may be looking forward too sooner than we think. To go hand in hand with these shots and video we got us a nice rumor too. From the looks of the final screen after the hour of demo, there is the normal advertisement screen for the game. Saying to look forward to it Winter of 2009. This hasn't been confirmed from Square-Enix yet, but there are shots of said screen floating about the interwebs.
Check out how it is looking below as well as the first 40 minutes of the Demo. Click the link below to check out the youtube of the Demo before it gets yanked.