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Fresh Flowers for $9.99
by Andy [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 11:26 PM ]
So it seems today is the day that Flower is now available for purchase on the US PSN store. After much talk about this anticipated game, this is surely going be very interesting for games to come. As we've seen games like flOw come into the market, a new type of game has emerged. I think Flower will do well, and I definitely think it will spark more games to come like this. So if you've got the extra 10 bucks, go grab it! Read More…
Tags: flowers, <3, ps3, psn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 09:15 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospective: Episode 2 As I reported last week, Game Trailers is placing out a retrospective on the Resident Evil franchise for the launch of the new game. Well this week they have launched the next installment of the six over all. This one covers all the events that took place during 1.5 through 3. Yes, the rumored and petitioned after 1. Read More…
Midway Gets A Fatality
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 05:41 PM ]
MIDWAY'S U.S. OPERATIONS FILE FOR CHAPTER 11 REORGANIZATION Times are hard seems to be the saying quite often no a days. Lay-offs left and right. Well this is some shocking and not so shocking news depending on if you follow the news around Midway. For a while now, they have been trying to stay above water and pay back all of their losses and debt. But it looks like they just couldn't keep up even though they put up a good long fight. Today they have announced that they are filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for the U. Read More…
Have Your Films And Play Them Too
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 05:14 PM ]
Blu-ray/videogame discs to be released for PS3 How many times have you seen a game come out that is either based on a movie or vice versa? Quite often. Companies like to milk things for all they are worth. No big news there. But what if you could by the Blu-Ray of the film with the game loaded on the same disk or within the same packaging? Would you pick that up instead? Well it looks like in the not to distant future, later this year, that may actually be a possibility for people who would love to have their films and play them too. Read More…
AVP Once Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 04:45 PM ]
SEGA and Twentieth Century Fox Licensing&Merchandising Announce New Aliens vs. Predator Game If you didn't get enough of the Alien Vs. Predator stuff from the films, or the comics, or the other games that have come out before, well it looks like you will get your chance to expand on this who Extraterrestrials fighting on our home planet killing us for their own greedy needs. Wow that sounded harsh, but damn it they are causing global warming. There isn't much more announced about this new title other than the fact that they are in development with it currently and the studio that is working on it. Read More…
Mario & Sonic Going Olympic Again
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 03:47 PM ]
In an age of sequels and cashing in, it is no surprise that Mario&Sonic will be returning to the Nintendo Wii and DS later this year.  Already leaked two days ago, today Sega and Nintendo jointly announced the great duo's return to Olympic competition.  I am sure that also returning with this installment will be a lot of waggle and sore arms.  The press release mentions use of the balance board which will be an improvement for certain, but here's hoping they also implement Wii Motion Plus for more accurate gameplay.  No screens or gameplay as of yet, but you can view the trailer now on their launch site. Read More…
Xbox Live Goes Free
by Alex [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 04:44 AM ]
Microsoft recently announced that Xbox Live will be free of charge on February 17 to February 22nd. Now you may all think has Microsoft gone crazy, Xbox live free? No they have only given us this reward to celebrate the launch of Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned. For 5 days you will be able to play the multiplayer mode on GTAIV for free. Im Looking forward to participating in this event and think Microsoft will attract alot of gamers to GTAIV because of this i believe. I only hope that in the future they do this for more popular games such as Call of Duty, Halo, and Rainbow Six Vegas maybe. Read More…
Rock Band: Snoop Dog
by Alex [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 11:55 PM ]
One of the top music games around Rock Band, has announced that hip hop&RnB artist Snoop Dog will be appearing in Rock Band. Snoop Dog has signed a multi-faceted deal with Rock Band, they will be only releasing songs from Snoop Dog's musical catalog. They have not yet announced the release date for this update but hopefully it will be soon as i will be anticipating it! My personal view on this is its pretty exciting. The thing that stumps me is usually Snoop Dog sings/writes Rap and hip hop, but Rock band usually has Rock/Metal Songs. Read More…
Tags: rock, band, snoop, dog, music
Left4Dead DLC Free for PC & 360
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 07:48 PM ]
Valve announced in a press release today that the DLC to their best-selling game, Left4Dead, will be free for all users on all platforms.  Both 360 and PC users will be able to enjoy 2 new Versus campaigns and a new Survival mode.  I know I speak for everyone when I say "Thank you, Valve!"  Of course, on the plus side for Valve, they've just secured a boat-load of brand-loyal followers for years to come. February 11, 2009 — The recently announced Left 4 Dead Downloadable Content (L4D DLC) will be delivered to Xbox 360 and PC gamers free of charge. Due for release this spring, the DLC for 2008's best-selling new game property on the PC and Xbox 360, is dubbed the L4D Survival Pack and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode (Death Toll, Dead Air). Read More…
Beating People For Lincoln
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
Join us at the Street Fighter IV Launch! So, what better way to celebrate the birthday of the man that helped to end slavery than to go beat people down via Street Fighter IV? I mean really? Capcom is thinking the exact same thing, and they want you, or at least 302 of you to join in the fun. Well as long as you live in the Southern California area or can get there tomorrow night. The Geffen Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown LA to be exact. But there is something you need to do first. Read More…
Go Joe!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 05:30 PM ]
EA Confirms Covert Mission to Create Action-Packed G.I. JOE® Video Game Inspired by Upcoming Film From Paramount Pictures, Spyglass Entertainment and Hasbro It should come to no surprise that with the new film coming out this summer that there would be a game to go along with it. But there has been no solid word on that at all. But NDA's are a funny thing. It looks like EA has been working on this title for a while in the dark shadows of the game developer world. Read More…
Tags: G.I. Joe, EA, XBox, PS3, Wii
Hades Fight!!!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 04:46 PM ]
First Real God Of War III Details A little while back a cover shot of the new Game Informer magazine was 'leaked' onto the net. Well not really leaked, but more given to tease the big article in the magazine, God of War III. One of the more anticipated games in my opinion. No it is not a humble one. So you can guess it has been much waited for, the new Game Informer. Well someone has received their copy early and decided to post scans of it on line. Read More…
Hudson Releases Official Website for Onslaught
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 10:24 AM ]
Last week Hudson Entertainment released screen shots on Onslaught, hailed the first First Person Shooter on WiiWare. Now, they have finally pulled back the curtains on the official Onslaught online page. The new, flashier vehicle now provides more insight into the story, wiimote and nunchuk button layouts for both foot and vehicle movement, small weapons and vehicle layouts and some finer details on on-line play. Yes, folks I had to re-read the website myself, Hudson is promising on-line co-op and ranking system for up to 4 players. The “Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Free Battle” seems promising as you can play with friends from around the globe. Read More…
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. Demo Coming
by Jesse [ Tuesday, 10th of February 2009 - 08:34 PM ]
            Ubisoft announced today that the official Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X. demo will be released over the next two days. Firstly it will appear on the Xbox Live tomorrow Feb. 11th, and then the following day it well be released on the PlayStation Store. However the PC Demo is still a good two weeks away with a date of Feb. 26th. Read More…
Columbo With The A-Bomb
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of February 2009 - 07:25 PM ]
New Prototype Screens&Comic Information So if you were some of the lucky who made it to this years Comic Con in New York, this isn't the only one even though, you might have been able to take a gander at some further footage of how Activision's new game Prototype is shaping up. If not, below are some more screen shots of the game. These make the game look that much better as well. I mean, close up on Alex punching a dude through the chest. Read More…
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