So, what better way to celebrate the birthday of the man that helped to end slavery than to go beat people down via Street Fighter IV? I mean really? Capcom is thinking the exact same thing, and they want you, or at least 302 of you to join in the fun. Well as long as you live in the Southern California area or can get there tomorrow night. The Geffen Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown LA to be exact. But there is something you need to do first. RSVP.
Just send an email to streetfighterlaunchparty@gmail.com with your first and last name in the subject line and you will get access to the event. Everything takes place between 8pm and Midnight and is hosted by Sony. So expect to see the PS3 version all over.
Oh, and if you are curious on the 302 number, there is a reason. Randomly they will take two people that show up that are over the age of 21 and usher them off to the VIP section of the event. Which most likely means there will be free booze for those two special people.

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