Yes, folks I had to re-read the website myself, Hudson is promising on-line co-op and ranking system for up to 4 players. The “Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Free Battle” seems promising as you can play with friends from around the globe. One possible downside is the wording is such that you can choose “a mission from Story Mode” and play co-op, which probably means if you and your friends wanted to play through the game together, you’ll most likely have to play each mission separately getting kicked out to a lobby pulling you out of the experience. The “Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Ranking Battle” seems interesting as they mention “exclusive levels,” but the wording again suggests that maybe this is more like competition between uploaded scores rather than multi-player competition.
The story looks pretty basic, and by basic I mean Aliens meets Starship Troopers. A research vessel is lost and you and your squad need to find out what happened. Hilarity ensues as you find it is full of insects that need to be eradicated and you’re just the space marine for the job. I doubt all is what it seems as the enemies are listed as “insect cyborgs.”
The weapons, enemies and bosses, all look a little rough and the control schemes indicate that there will be plenty of waggle for everyone. This includes chucking grenades, wiping off bug goo, reloading your weapon and everyone’s favorite, alternately shake the wiimote and nunchuk to remove insects that have latched on. They will have plenty of time to work out the kinks as a release date and how many Wii points it’ll cost has yet to be determined.
This is still very early on and if Hudson can deliver on some decent game play and online co-op on WiiWare, it would be a great move forward for WiiWare and the FPS genre on the Wii. Onslaught will take it’s fair share of lumps on this for the graphics, but again it’s WiiWare, and if they forget about aiming their sights on Gears of War, they could just hit a great niche of players just waiting for Goldeneye to be released on Virtual Console.