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More Brutality With Mortal Kombat Trailers
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of June 2010 - 03:38 PM ]
With the extremely mixed reception of the new Mortal Kombat short film, it did not take long for Warner Bros. to jump on the huge sensation it has caused over the internet. Not to promote a new film or to even accept the new vision that was pumped out there, but to promote the next Mortal Kombat video game coming soon. Yep, we should have figured on this. To prove it as well, below is a new trailer for the game as well. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat Making A Come Back?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of June 2010 - 06:48 PM ]
<UPDATE> Well it seems that some of the rumors surrounding what this video could be are being squashed and confirmed by actress Jeri Ryan. All through her confirmed Twitter account. The below tweets from her state that this is a pilot of sorts to help reboot the Mortal Kombat film franchise. JeriLRyan: Okay, so... Mortal Kombat. JeriLRyan: It's not a game trailer. Read More...
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Midway to Sell Flagship Franchise, Studios
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 25th of May 2009 - 07:27 PM ]
Last Thursday’s announcement that Midway Games, of Mortal Kombat fame, will be selling off its Mortal Kombat franchise along with its Chicago and Seattle studios is not shocking.  We have watched this proud company take its lumps this past year with threats of closing or being bought, having its debt purchased and ultimately filing for bankruptcy.  Having grown up in Chicago, Midway Games was always a steady force in the Windy City just off of California Ave.  I even applied and interviewed for a job there once upon a time. Read More...
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Titans Join the Tournament
by Jesse [ Friday, 6th of March 2009 - 10:13 PM ]
            A little over a year ago, Midway and Epic Games released the highly anticipated Unreal Tournament III. The game, which was awesome to begin with, was made even better by the release of a free map pack. Now, even with the financial problems Midway is suffering from, another free downloadable pack is coming to the PC and PS3 versions of the game. The really exciting thing is just in the huge amount of content that’s available. Firstly there are 11 new maps spread out across Warfare, Deathmatch, CTF (Capture the Flag), and Vehicle CTF to compete on. Read More...
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Midway Gets A Fatality
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 05:41 PM ]
MIDWAY'S U.S. OPERATIONS FILE FOR CHAPTER 11 REORGANIZATION Times are hard seems to be the saying quite often no a days. Lay-offs left and right. Well this is some shocking and not so shocking news depending on if you follow the news around Midway. For a while now, they have been trying to stay above water and pay back all of their losses and debt. But it looks like they just couldn't keep up even though they put up a good long fight. Today they have announced that they are filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for the U. Read More...
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A Time For Mortal Kombat
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of January 2009 - 09:20 PM ]
Finish Them! Mortal Kombat Devs Challenge You Tonight! Ever wonder if they people behind Mortal Kombat Vs. DC are any good at their game? Think you could take them down? Well here is your chance. On Jan. 16th Er... I Mean. On Jan. 23rd, that's tonight, you will get your chance to do so. Make them put their proverbial money where their mouths are I guess. The whole thing kicks off at 10pm EST and will go for about two hours. Well more like they will be hanging in the MK chat room waiting for challenges. Read More...
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Got 100K?
by Cameron [ Tuesday, 2nd of December 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
Turns out Sumner Redstone has sold his controlling stake of Midway games for US$100 thousand. This equates to $0.0012 per share. Talk about a black friday deal. Redstone has sold his 87% of Midway for $100,000 to Mark Thomas  on the condition he picks up the $70 million dollar debt the company is in right now. As you should know Midway is most recognised for it's Mortal Kombat which was once a very controversial title in which you could rip your opponents still beating heart out. Even new iterations of Mortal Kombat haven't provided enough cash to sustain the company which has lost nearly half a billion dollars in the last five years and has been under constant threat of losing it NYSE listing. Read More...
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[PS3 Review] Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of November 2008 - 07:13 PM ]
The Worlds Collide This game has been a huge one on a lot of people's radars since it was first announced. It has been looked to as a way to reinvigorate the franchise into what it once was. Trying to help fans forget the films and lack luster games that have been placed out there on the market. Here's what I have to say. The Premise: At the end of a great battle against Darkseid and Shao Kahn, each in their own universes, something goes awry and begins the merging of the two universes. Through confusion or just trying to find answers to end this universe ending event, both sides fight through to find a way to end it. Read More...
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