Ever wonder if they people behind Mortal Kombat Vs. DC are any good at their game? Think you could take them down? Well here is your chance. On Jan. 16th Er... I Mean. On Jan. 23rd, that's tonight, you will get your chance to do so. Make them put their proverbial money where their mouths are I guess. The whole thing kicks off at 10pm EST and will go for about two hours. Well more like they will be hanging in the MK chat room waiting for challenges. Given the fact that this will be going on after I get home, I'm totally declaring Mortal Kombat on them. Here's a list of who will be on, as well as the list of PSNs to look for.
- Kamidogu
- MKNoob
- MKHornbuckle
- MKHanzoHasashi
- MKBlindKenshi
- MKTundra
- MKApep
- MKKetchup
- MKMustard
- MKSkully
- FreezeGoroSweep
- Ed Boon - Creative Director/Team Lead
- Paulo Garcia - Senior Designer
- Brian Lebaron - Designer
- Ryan Rosenberg - Environment Artist
- Eddie Ferrier - Designer
- Adam Hernandez - Design Support
- Hector Sanchez - Producer
- Dave Bulvan - Lead Software Tester
- Derek Kirtzic - Gameplay Tester
- Shaun Himmerick - Producer
- Hans Lo - Producer
One more thing I have to mention on. Did the guys behind thing have bad calendars or something? Look at the below image and tell me if you can see what I mean. I'll wait. Hint: I highlighted them in red.

Not only do we get to take on the Devs, but we get to do the time warp. Totally doing this on the 16th instead of tonight. I get a whole week back to do stuff. Also get to gloat to my friends that I got to travel though time. I found it funny at least. Great attention to detail there on the PlayStation Blog today. I joke, I joke. But if you are quick, you might get to see this live from the link below before the correct it.
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