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Got 100K?
by Cameron [ Tuesday, 2nd of December 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
Turns out Sumner Redstone has sold his controlling stake of Midway games for US$100 thousand. This equates to $0.0012 per share. Talk about a black friday deal. Redstone has sold his 87% of Midway for $100,000 to Mark Thomas  on the condition he picks up the $70 million dollar debt the company is in right now. As you should know Midway is most recognised for it's Mortal Kombat which was once a very controversial title in which you could rip your opponents still beating heart out. Even new iterations of Mortal Kombat haven't provided enough cash to sustain the company which has lost nearly half a billion dollars in the last five years and has been under constant threat of losing it NYSE listing. Read More...
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