Yep, we should have figured on this. To prove it as well, below is a new trailer for the game as well. A trailer I will say looks like just an awesome reboot to the franchise as that short film was. It looks to be a little more "3D" than the recent Street Fighter, but still a "2D" side action fighting game. Oh and it looks like you also get to team up two fighters in a four on four match to the death now.
Wait! What?!? You can have Lui Kang team up with, say, Kano? At least that is part of what I took away from watching the trailer. That and the fact that it seems everyone is getting a full overhaul on how brutal they should really be. Loving the idea of slowly dragging some one over a makeshift "saw" blade.
Keep on pumping this stuff out. Totally eating it up. Just have something to play with next week at E3 or I will go Johnny Cage on your ass. Punch to the nuts style.