Well it seems that some of the rumors surrounding what this video could be are being squashed and confirmed by actress Jeri Ryan. All through her confirmed Twitter account. The below tweets from her state that this is a pilot of sorts to help reboot the Mortal Kombat film franchise.
JeriLRyan: Okay, so... Mortal Kombat. JeriLRyan: It's not a game trailer. Actually was made for the director to sell WB on his vision for a reimagined MK film. JeriLRyan: More MK FAQs: I did it as a favor to a friend. No idea yet what WB's reaction to it was. And I'm not sure how you can contact WB... JeriLRyan: ...(cont.) to push them to make it. But you guys are resourceful...! ;-) |
So there you go. It is for a new film and not a video game tease. I for one love the new concept that this short is taking the franchise. I know all you die hard Mortal Kombat fans out there are still mixed, but try to see this as a good thing.
Well now this is something I did not expect to see any time soon. Another Mortal Kombat. Be it game or film. But here we go again.
Oh wait, not again. This looks like someone took the franchise and gave it the Dark Knight make over. As in removing the supernatural and using science/science fiction and gave the whole thing an overhaul. "Oh Dear Gods!" does not give this justice at all.
Now to figure out if it is for a new game or for a new flick. I mean with using Michael Jai White as Jax and Jeri Ryan as Sonya Blade, this can't be some made for fun trailer or tease. But it is over seven minutes long so can it be a "trailer" for the next film? That is about two to three times normal trailer length. In any instance, this is an EPIC way to take things.
What are your thoughts? Anything less that I just got jerked off with silk gloves worn by a swimsuit model?