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Valve Gives Details On Left4Dead 2 Scavenge Mode
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 9th of October 2009 - 06:28 PM ]
Yesterday Valve announced a new mode for Left4Dead 2: Scavenge Mode. Scavenge Mode is a competitive mode where the Survivors must fill a generator with cans of fuel while a clock ticks away to the end of the round. Each can of fuel added is one point and added time to the clock, with only the Infected in your path. Much like Versus mode, the opposing team takes the roles of the special/boss Infected in order to stop the Survivors from scoring by any means necessary. When the clock runs out, switch sides and repeat; the highest scoring team wins. Read More...
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Nico + Ryu + The Force x Zombies = Platinum
by Kevin [ Thursday, 8th of October 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
That's a heck of a visual isn't it? GTA IV, Street Fighter IV, Star Wars: The Force Unleased, Left 4 Dead, and Saints Row 2 are the latest candidates for the Platinum Hits treatment. A nice line-up to be certain and a great opportunity to jump aboard and experience these titles if you haven't done so already. It seems like the titles were chosen pretty strategically because with several of the games you have either had a) new content announced and coming soon, b) new content released, or c) sequels approaching. In celebration of these latest additions to the Platinum Hits Collection line-up, some retailers are offering a “Buy 2 –Get 1 Free” promotion for XBox Platinum Hits Collection titles. Read More...
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Valve Releases Free Crash Course DLC
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 30th of September 2009 - 03:36 AM ]
Today Valve released Crash Course, the next big free* DLC for their immensely popular Left4Dead franchise. Ben went into what it's all about back here, but the the gist is that between No Mercy and Death Toll, the helicopter that rescued you on top of the hospital went down and now our survivors are no longer safe. They must keep moving to stay alive. On top of the co-operative and survival modes for this campaign the versus mode includes a 30-minute limit to speed things along. Read More...
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Left4Dead gets new DLC
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2009 - 09:33 PM ]
Left4Dead gets a new expansion this September with "Crash Course", a whole new campaign that connects the end of No Mercy with the beginning of Death Toll. Of all the endings, No Mercy was perhaps the most ambiguous, as how far and where would the helicopter would land. The beginning to Death Toll, which is just as ambiguous, finds our four survivors before a collapsed bridge and a tunnel chock-full-o'-zombies. While it may not give as much story as Left4Dead 2, it certainly hints at the fact that Valve isn't willing to drop development of it's first iteration. Along with the campaign will be a versus version and several survival maps full of glitches waiting to be exploited. Read More...
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Play Left4Dead 2 At San Diego Comic Con
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 13th of July 2009 - 07:41 PM ]
Regardless of which side of the fence you sit on the release timing issue of Left4Dead 2, if you are going to San Diego Comic Con, you will want to jump on this. Valve will be showing Left4Dead 2 at Comic Con, as well as make it playable. At E3 they showed us "The Parish." This time around they plan on demonstrating a new campaign ("Swamp Fever") along with some never-before-seen items. After seeing Left4Dead 2 at E3 and going hands-on, I am already extremely hyped on the game and encourage everyone at SDCC to stop by the EA Gaming Lounge in the Gaslamp Hotel and try it out. If for nothing else, get your hands on some melee weapons and hack up some zombies. Read More...
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Never Been a Better Time to Survive in '09
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 1st of May 2009 - 07:32 PM ]
 The best co-op game I played last year was Left4Dead and if you were among the few PC gamers that did not purchase this title, this is the perfect opportunity for you to try it, then buy it.  All day Friday, you are able to download Left4Dead on Steam and play the entire game including the recently released Survival mode.  After you try and fall in love with the game (as I know you will), you have all weekend to purchase it through Steam at 40% off.   Left4Dead is a cooperative experience where four players are challenged through an array of campaigns attempting to escape the zombie apocalypse and make it safety. Read More...
Tags: Valve, Left4Dead, PC,
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Left4Dead DLC Release Day
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 23rd of April 2009 - 01:21 AM ]
Today Valve released downloadable content on both the PC and the Xbox 360.  Called the Survival Pack, the DLC provides new campaign maps for the Versus Mode and an entirely new gameplay option, Survival Mode.  Also included are various patches and fixes to improve the overall gameplay by covering up the glitches and bugs found in the game post-release.  In Versus Mode, teams of players take turns being the survivors trying to escape and the special infected bent on stopping them.  The addition of new campaigns has been widely sought by the community at large. Read More...
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Left4Dead DLC Free for PC & 360
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 07:48 PM ]
Valve announced in a press release today that the DLC to their best-selling game, Left4Dead, will be free for all users on all platforms.  Both 360 and PC users will be able to enjoy 2 new Versus campaigns and a new Survival mode.  I know I speak for everyone when I say "Thank you, Valve!"  Of course, on the plus side for Valve, they've just secured a boat-load of brand-loyal followers for years to come. February 11, 2009 — The recently announced Left 4 Dead Downloadable Content (L4D DLC) will be delivered to Xbox 360 and PC gamers free of charge. Due for release this spring, the DLC for 2008's best-selling new game property on the PC and Xbox 360, is dubbed the L4D Survival Pack and introduces a new multiplayer game mode entitled, Survival, plus two complete campaigns for Versus Mode (Death Toll, Dead Air). Read More...
Tags: Valve, Left4Dead, 360, PC,
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