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Nico + Ryu + The Force x Zombies = Platinum
by Kevin [ Thursday, 8th of October 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
That's a heck of a visual isn't it? GTA IV, Street Fighter IV, Star Wars: The Force Unleased, Left 4 Dead, and Saints Row 2 are the latest candidates for the Platinum Hits treatment. A nice line-up to be certain and a great opportunity to jump aboard and experience these titles if you haven't done so already. It seems like the titles were chosen pretty strategically because with several of the games you have either had a) new content announced and coming soon, b) new content released, or c) sequels approaching. In celebration of these latest additions to the Platinum Hits Collection line-up, some retailers are offering a “Buy 2 –Get 1 Free” promotion for XBox Platinum Hits Collection titles. Read More...
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Review: Saints Row 2
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 17th of October 2008 - 07:22 AM ]
WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS LANGUAGE THAT MAY NOT BE APPROPRIATE FOR MINORS (then again, the game itself may not be appropriate for minors, in fact, it isn't appropriate for minors. This will also be a much more unbiased and unopinionated review than G-Nitro's.   You're in the middle of a busy downtown intersection. You wait for it, wait for it, and then BAM you get hit by a speeding car that sends you flying 30 feet in the air and 50 feet away. You immediatly get up and try to do the exact same thing again, it never dawns on you that instead of defrauding an insurance company by feigning injury, you would most very likely need insurance money as you would actually be injured and require major medical attention. Read More...
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