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Comic Review — Injustice: Gods Among Us
by Julia Schoebel [ Tuesday, 31st of March 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Injustice Needing to give yourself a break from Netflix and Games for a minute? Try reading the Injustice: Gods Among Us comics The Injustice series was written by Tom Taylor and Brian Buccellato, and illustrated by a number of artists, including Jheremy Raapack, Mike S. Miller, Bruno Redondo, and Tom Derenick just to name a few. Though, most comics based on video games tend to be shameless sell-outs for cash, Injustice: Gods Among Us is well written and illustrated. It has defiantly been binge-worthy, there are plenty of issues to read as well. Read More...
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Review: Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of October 2013 - 07:04 PM ]
Here we are five titles into the franchise and we are now getting the ability to manipulate some of our favorite characters and worlds with Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure. While personally I would have preferred a Marvel version, beggars can't be choosers when given the opportunity to rewrite, create, and travel to all of the famous locations in "nerd" history. As should be obvious, I had a chance to get down and dirty with Scribblenauts Unmasked on the PC and I am going to break it down for you to let you know if you should spend the time and money for the game. The Story After all of their fun adventures before, Maxwell and his sister Lilly are having a normal dispute on who is the best DC character. Read More...
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Big Surprise... Lex Luthor In Injustice: Gods Among Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of January 2013 - 11:59 PM ]
As it should come as no surprise, Lex Luthor has joined the roster for NetherRealm's upcoming Injustice: Gods Among Us. Why would he not have been in the game with his Superman/Meta-human hate speech? It makes sense. But either way, with the below trailer he has been officially added to the "Gods Among Us." Like the pun? Outside of that, there doesn't seem to be much more for the title here at all. Read More...
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Sounds Like Batman Knows What's Going On In Injustice: Gods Among Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of September 2012 - 10:04 PM ]
So details about the story of Injustice have been sparse and they still are. Even the full character roster has still not fully been disclosed. But there has been a lot of fun game play since the announcement and first public showing. Now that TGS is in full swing, it would make sense that there is a new trailer for the game. So you shall see that and a few new screen shots below. But before you dig in there is something I want to bring attention to. Read More...
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Cat Woman Joins The Cast Of Injustice: Gods Among Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of August 2012 - 10:14 PM ]
Well this was pretty much expected. Cat Woman has just been confirmed as a new playable character for Injustice: Gods Among Us and below is a video showcasing what she can do and take in the game. As is to be expected she is fast, agile and able to whip the other characters from DC universe into shape. That is if she is not trying to kill them with cheesy one-liners of the feline nature instead. I will say that I am a bit curious by the fact that she has an RPG as an attack in the game given all of the other things they could have used. Read More...
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Time To Clean Up Arkham
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of August 2009 - 01:38 PM ]
Batman: Arkham Asylum - Release Trailer Just in time for the official release date, in North America, come what will be the coolest looking trailer/advertisement for Batman Arkham Asylum to date. Even better than the sing skeleton video they have showing off the Scarecrow DLC you get for pre-ordering at GameStop. Albeit, not as funny, but it is one of the best views of the game that the general public will get a look at before they actually get to pick up the game. Even more so earlier for those across the big blue ocean to the East, they have to wait a few more days to have the Caped Crusader on their systems. Read More...
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Kratos Coming to Comics
by Jesse [ Friday, 17th of July 2009 - 11:36 PM ]
Video games being adapted to comic book form is a natural fit. So it is probably not a surprise to hear that another one is coming down the line. But now, arguably Sony’s biggest franchise, will join the likes of Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil. Partnering with DC and Wildstorm, Sony’s blockbuster God of War video game franchise is the inspiration for an all new 6-issue mini series. The first issue is tentatively scheduled to debut in October with a run that should last roughly until the release of God of War III in March of 2010. Handling the project is comics legend Marv Wolfman. Read More...
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Become The Clown Prince Of Gotham
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of April 2009 - 03:29 PM ]
The Joker To Be Playable Character In Batman: Arkham Asylum Only On The PS3 So yesterday you might have caught an accidental glimpse of an ad in PSHome. A completely accidental update that wasn't suppose to be seen until, well, today. Some might think it isn't a big deal to have a slip like that, but in this instance it is. Well if you are a fan of Batman and The Joker. Officially announced today, after placing and removing the ad accidentally yesterday, Eidos is now proud to tell the PS3 owners of the world that if they pick up a copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum for the console they will get to play as the Joker himself in the game. Read More...
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How Do You Like Her New Uniform?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of April 2009 - 11:03 PM ]
Villains in Batman Arkham Asylum What kind of Batman game would the new Arkham Asylum be if it only had the main baddy of the Joker and a slew of crazed "escaped" patients for Batman to wade through? Well a short type of game really. There are only so many regular patients for you to incapacitate before you got your hands around the killing jokester. Or just very repetitive. Which is why we can rest assured that this one will be a very interesting and fun game, as here are two more of the named baddies you will have to face off on. Read More...
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Be The Center Of Attention Like Laugh Riot
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of February 2009 - 09:25 PM ]
DC Universe Character Trailer So far most of the buzz on Sony's DC Universe has been the named characters from DC comics that a player will be able to interact with or run along side. Outside of that and a few scene drops, nothing substantial has been seen since Comic Con 2008 where there was a playable demo there. Well a bit of wait is now over. Today the good people over at Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) have decided to grace the interwebs with a bit more on the types of characters you can play in the game. Read More...
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Columbo With The A-Bomb
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of February 2009 - 07:25 PM ]
New Prototype Screens&Comic Information So if you were some of the lucky who made it to this years Comic Con in New York, this isn't the only one even though, you might have been able to take a gander at some further footage of how Activision's new game Prototype is shaping up. If not, below are some more screen shots of the game. These make the game look that much better as well. I mean, close up on Alex punching a dude through the chest. Read More...
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Hopefully Not A Bad Build Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 05:12 PM ]
PROTOTYPE #1 (OF 6) So a little while back, I hooked you up with some awesome pics and video of Activision's Prototype. One their new IPs out on multi-platforms. Well it looks like they are going to try to take a page from what, in my opinion, made Dead Space that much more awesome. Releasing it to multiple other forms of media to build up some momentum. As of right now, posted on, they are showing a 6 part comic line for this new game. Read More...
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The Complete Roster for the MX vs. DC
by Nikole [ Thursday, 18th of September 2008 - 05:09 AM ]
On Monday, Midway announced the complete character roster for the upcoming Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. The game is due this November for the PS3 and the Xbox 360. Read More...
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Fight!.. At Comic Con...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of June 2008 - 04:15 PM ]
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe vs. Comic-Con Ok, not really a fight per say, but at least another reason to go to Comic Con this year. If you didn't have a good enough reason in the first place. Meet some of your favorite people of all times. *cough*Hades*cough*. So here's the skinny. I love saying that. On the 25th, that's the Friday, Ed Boon and Jimmy Palmiotti will be holding a panel to show off the game. Claims of unseen game play and more of the character line up will be given out at this panel as well. Read More...
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