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The Wait For Ultra Street Fighter IV On The PS4 Is Almost Over
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of April 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The release date for Ultra Street Fighter IV has been given out so fans can play what Capcom is touting as the best version of Ultra Street Fighter IV Just in case you need another fighting game outside of Mortal Kombat X right now, we will have the latest version of Ultra Street Fighter IV hitting the PS4 soon. You know, because we need another HD remastered title for the system to distract us from the latest title in the genre. Good old game publishing competition and grabbing for money. Read More...
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Review: Super Street Fighter IV
by 345 [ Friday, 30th of April 2010 - 08:00 PM ]
Super Street Fighter IV is definitely a great value at $40, especially for people who didn't pick up the original. Aside from everything originally included with IV, Super also includes a handful of new characters, new stages, new music and updated online play. This includes some new modes and features that fans have been wanting for over a year now. A new roster update comprises of a nice selection of characters from various series in the Street Fighter universe, as well as two new ones exclusive to Super. Juri is a welcome addition with a quickness that many other characters are lacking, and Hakan is a grappler covered in oil that brings more depth to his style of character. Read More...
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Capcom Forgot How To Count Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of September 2009 - 07:45 PM ]
Oh Capcom you were doing so well with the counting again. You started with Resident Evil going to four and then five. THen you continued with Street Fighter and Dead Rising, both going four and two respectfully. It was looking like the past of Super Ultra Directors Cut of an earlier title rehashed as a new title had gone the way of the dodo in your eyes. You were kicking out full and new games. Then you go and ruin it with this. Read More...
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DC Metro Area Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament Update
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 11:29 PM ]
The latest updates on the 355 Scion Street Fighter IV Tournament taking place on August 2nd in Rockville, Maryland are here. New sponsors, tournament rules and the addition of two contestants have been revealed. Don't forget to register now for only $10 to win $1000 and more.Best Buy has now signed on as an official sponsor for the tournament, joining Red Bull, XM Radio, ECA, They will also be giving away prizes, but no details on what they are giving away has been disclosed. Read More...
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355 Scion in Maryland Holds $1000 Street Fighter IV Tournament
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 19th of June 2009 - 02:09 AM ]
So you think you are good at Street Fighter IV? $1000 good? Because that's what you can win if you put your money where your mouth is. Which if you buy tickets now, will only be $10 to possibly take home that $1000 grand prize. 355 Scion in Rockville is once again holding their annual gaming tournament. After a great success last year, you definitely have to come out for Street Fighter IV this year. Some of our writers will be attending including myself, so look forward to seeing everyone there. Read More...
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Street Fighter IV PC gets a free bonus!
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 10th of May 2009 - 05:39 AM ]
Or so Capcom thinks. Either way, anybody that picks up SFIV for the PC will get a MadCatz Fightpad for free. The game is priced a bit higher than most PC games at $59.99 but a $39.99 game plus a $39.99 fightpad is good enough for me. Gamers may wonder why MadCatz is so busy making PC fightpads when there is a shortage of console ones, but the fact is is that nobody wants to play Street Fighter with a mouse and keyboard (awaits barrage of ppl yelling at me that they play it on an emulator with a keyboard all the time).Capcom will release Street Fighter IV (Games for Windows Live for those that don't know) on July 7th here in the States. Read More...
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Street Fighter IV PS3 Review
by Jesse [ Thursday, 19th of February 2009 - 08:47 PM ]
            When I first saw the early gameplay footage of Street Fighter IV I was ready to start flipping in the air and do moonsault kicks in celebration, but then I remembered I couldn’t. I’m probably not the only one in saying that The World Warrior is my favorite installment of the Street Fighter franchise and seeing Street Fighter IV in action made me so excited because in many ways, it was like seeing a modern version of one of the greatest classic fighting games of all time. Still the question stood, could Capcom create a sequel that kept everything that makes a good Street Fighter game while still adding enough to the mix that would attract new fans? Thankfully they did almost exactly that in giving us a great new chapter in the Street Fighter saga. Read More...
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Beating People For Lincoln
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of February 2009 - 05:56 PM ]
Join us at the Street Fighter IV Launch! So, what better way to celebrate the birthday of the man that helped to end slavery than to go beat people down via Street Fighter IV? I mean really? Capcom is thinking the exact same thing, and they want you, or at least 302 of you to join in the fun. Well as long as you live in the Southern California area or can get there tomorrow night. The Geffen Museum of Contemporary Art in downtown LA to be exact. But there is something you need to do first. Read More...
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*Update* Street Fighter IV DLC
by Jesse [ Saturday, 7th of February 2009 - 06:18 AM ]
            Though Famitsu Magazine shelled out plenty of details regarding the upcoming Street Fighter IV downloable content, all the information pertained to Japan specifically. Today however, Capacom released official news regarding what content would be coming to North America and at what prices. Firstly, the free Championship Mode expansion set to be released shortly after the game’s launch will contain the aforementioned replay mode which will allow players to save and upload videos of their fights. The online tournament play will receive a few modifications as well as a new points system will be used to determine a player’s skill level which will help in creating fairer match-ups. Read More...
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Street Fighter IV DLC
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 4th of February 2009 - 09:42 PM ]
            With a little under two weeks until the release of Street Fighter IV, Japan’s Famitsu magazine has released details regarding several alternate costume packs that will be available for download. Capcom will release 5 packs, 1 per week, with the first landing on the day of the game’s Japan release date of February 12th. Each pack is priced at 400 yen which is roughly $4.47 USD on the PlayStation Store and 320 Microsoft Points on Marketplace. Read More...
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See The Whole SF4 Cast
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 08:55 PM ]
New Street Fighter IV Trailer Who's foaming at the mouth to get their hands on the new Street Fighter game? I know there has to be a lot of you. Especially since this one looks to be one of the best in the series. Nostalgia versions aside. I do wish I had more to tell you on this, like all the fun little details about the game. Having seen it already and such, but I fail to have a fact sheet and assets before me. Oh wait, I lied, I have the new trailer for this game. Read More...
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PC Street Fighter IV
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 28th of May 2008 - 11:21 PM ]
Next Generation reports Street Fighter IV for the PC is in the works, in spite of the PC not being considered the ideal platform for fighting games. They say the game will be released "this fiscal year," for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. Street Fighter Website has a countdown timer, which reads two day and fifteen plus hours at this point, so it's possible that another revelation related to the franchise will be made before the end of this week. Read More...
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