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MediEvil Will Have Us Filling Up So Many Chalices With Souls
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of October 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
MediEvil The next chapter of the MediEvil’s Bonehead’s Guide is here to show us why we will need to collect so many souls in MediEvil Tomorrow, October 25th, is the big day where we all get to dive back into MediEvil and see just how the game should have been made years ago but the hardware was not near where it is now. Even without the subtitle of Remaster, that is about what we are looking at here from Other Ocean when it comes to this game. It is why we have been treated with some nice little gameplay trailers to remind us of some of the core gameplay aspects of MediEvil we may have forgotten over the years since it first dropped. Read More...
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Let Us Changing Our Perspective With The Dan Cam In MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of October 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
MediEvil Have a look at how the camera system for MediEvil has been altered since the original MediEvil to give us all a better view of everything going on out there The next video in the Bonehead’s Guide to Gallowmere for MediEvil is here and all to give us a new perspective on how we are going to be playing the game when it hits the PS4 on October 25th. Not in any weird VR kind of way or that we will need to pluck out our own eye to watch and enjoy. While that would have been cool for Other Ocean to drop on us, that is not the case. Read More...
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Take A Trip Down Memory Lane With Both Versions Of MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of October 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
MediEvil A new comparison video for MediEvil is here to show you what has been updated and changed from the original MediEvil up to now We are getting ever closer to the release of MediEvil on the PS4, which means it is time for even more gameplay to take in. Not only that, but in the traditional manner of gameplay we should expect in terms of how this remake has been updated and altered from Other Ocean to give us what was originally intended. It is always fun when technology advances and we are looking to relive our past through it all again. Not completely the case here for MediEvil, but it does give us a new and long bit of gameplay to enjoy in the mix that compares everything to the original 1998 version of the game. Read More...
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We Will Need Some New Protection When Roaming Around MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of October 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
MediEvil A new Bonehead’s Guide to MediEvil is here to give us a quick rundown on how we will be using shields and protecting ourselves in MediEvil The crash courses for MediEvil are coming now that we are weeks out for the release of the game on the PS4. It has been a while since we all have played the original title and there have been some changes over time, so it makes sense that we would get something like this along the way to help build up Other Ocean's new release. Of course, they are a bit more basic than normal for information about MediEvil, but it does give us a little more of a look at the game if the demo that is still out there has not given you enough yet. I guess there is a good reason for all of this. Read More...
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Things Will Not Be So Short-Lived Here With MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of September 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
MediEvil There is a new demo for MediEvil out there for us all to play and experience that will bring a bit of fun over to the full version of MediEvil at launch The State of Play video from yesterday brought all kinds of fun and news to us and it looks like we had much more for MediEvil mixed in yet again. Not the biggest of surprises out there as we are coming up quick on the October 25th release date for the game where Other Ocean will be placing the game on the PS4. I have a feeling that this will only be the tip of the iceberg here given that for MediEvil. Read More...
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More Of The Original Vision Will Be Coming With MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of August 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
MediEvil A new look at MediEvil is out there to show off where the game is and what has been added back in from the original run of MediEvil You have been wanting more for MediEvil. Now we have more for the game just ahead of Gamescom where it will be playable for the masses. Sadly, not everyone will be able to make it out for that, so we have to rely on Other Ocean to drop some new gameplay and details for the game on us. There are still a few months until MediEvil's October 25th release date so we have plenty of time for all of that. I have a feeling it will flow out more after the PS4 hands-on people will have, but here we go with the latest updates we have today. Read More...
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MediEvil Has A Final Release Date Set With A Bit More To The Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of May 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
MediEvil A new story trailer for MediEvil is here as well as when we should all expect to play MediEvil on our PS4s this coming Fall It was certainly a huge day during the State of Play stream yesterday, as we also had a nice new look at MediEvil in the middle of all of the other great announcements to be had. Not only a new look at how Other Ocean Interactive is bringing this classic title back to life for us all, but also a nice look at when we should expect to see the game drop on the PS4. The broad timeline would be Fall of this year. Read More...
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Sir Dan Is Back, Again, As We Have A New Update On MediEvil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 31st of October 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
MediEvil A new trailer for MediEvil is here and we finally get to see how the game has been remade since MediEvil first hit the PS1 twenty years ago It is possible to have missed the fact that MediEvil was getting a full remake as it was announced back in 2017 during that year's PSX and originally claimed to be here by 2018. Obviously, as we did not get a date for it this year, it is not coming this year to the PS4. That is okay though as I would rather Other Ocean Interactive to take their time and make a great addition into the MediEvil franchise. Read More...
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The Wait For Ultra Street Fighter IV On The PS4 Is Almost Over
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of April 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The release date for Ultra Street Fighter IV has been given out so fans can play what Capcom is touting as the best version of Ultra Street Fighter IV Just in case you need another fighting game outside of Mortal Kombat X right now, we will have the latest version of Ultra Street Fighter IV hitting the PS4 soon. You know, because we need another HD remastered title for the system to distract us from the latest title in the genre. Good old game publishing competition and grabbing for money. Read More...
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