Who's foaming at the mouth to get their hands on the new Street Fighter game? I know there has to be a lot of you. Especially since this one looks to be one of the best in the series. Nostalgia versions aside.
I do wish I had more to tell you on this, like all the fun little details about the game. Having seen it already and such, but I fail to have a fact sheet and assets before me. Oh wait, I lied, I have the new trailer for this game. Up on PWNed as you read this, or if you skipped to below the surprise is kind of ruined. But any ways.
From the looks of the video, there would seem to be a very robust story mode to this game. No clue if it is anything like the story mode in MK Vs. DC, but just by watching this new video, there is enough banter around each fight show to give it some great promise there. If you are not in it for the story, shame on you. I joke. But if you are not, this trailer also shows a bit more of the game play as well as showing off all the playable characters of the game. Not too shabby right? Well I'll stop typing now and let those who were reading move onto the reason of this posting, the video. Enjoy.