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Secret Level Teases Us All A Bit More With Some Out Of This World Things
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of December 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Secret Level New teasers for the upcoming Secret Level are out there with Armor Core & The Outer Worlds showing up for this Secret Level With fifteen different IPs coming in the run of Secret Level out there, we are going to have a whole run of things to look at on December 10th. Well, then and up until December 17th as they keep pumping out new episodes for each on Prime for us. Things that will range from the previous Mega Man to the newly shown off Armored Core and The Outer Worlds 2 that we have. That is still only scratching the surface of what Secret Level is going to give us in a few days, so let us dig in and get further teased up for all of this. Read More...
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Secret Level Gives Us An Introduction To The Coming Mega Man
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of November 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Secret Level A new teaser for Secret Level is out there to show off the story of Mega Man that we will have in Secret Level The animated fun of Secret Level is about to kick off on December 10th with so many fun little stories for us to take in for our favorite gaming IPs. To help amp all of this up, we have a fun one from Capcom getting a new little highlight to pull us all in. A new teaser for the segment of Secret Level that is all about Mega Man is out and about and ready to impress us all. Not just with some new story for the IP but with the visuals and new looks we are getting for the characters too. Read More...
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Fallout Is Making More Of The Leap From Consoles To Camera
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of April 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Fallout Go behind the scenes a bit more for Fallout as we see more of the world of Fallout brought into reality We are so close to seeing how they are finally bringing Fallout into a live-action setting with the series hitting Amazon Prime on April 11th. All of it will be dropping then and the fans can see if they have done it all justice. Thankfully, all in one sitting so we can enjoy it all or take to burning down bridges based on how you feel about it all. Fallout can be a little much sometimes. Read More...
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Welcome To The End Of The World In The Live-Action Fallout Series
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of March 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Fallout The full trailer for the Fallout TV show is here to give us more of an idea of how close to the Fallout series it will be We have been teased before and now that we are closer to the April 11th release date, we have a longer trailer to take in for the upcoming Fallout TV series. We have not forgotten about this and how amazing it looked with the little bits we did have, and now we get a deeper look at what will be coming to Amazon Prime on that day. All at once too, with the full series of Fallout landing on the service on that day so we will not have to wait to get the full story of it all. Even if some of us will take our time with it to make sure we get a great experience for the IP and not just a fast one that will leave us wanting for more of the game or the amazing version of it all that we can now see here. Read More...
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Get Ready To Exit Your Vaults With The Teaser For Fallout
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of December 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Fallout The first trailer for the Fallout TV show is here to let us see how faithful to the Fallout games it is going to be It has been well-known that there was a TV adaptation coming for the Fallout over on Prime Video, and now here we go with a really good look at what is on the way. Not only that, though, but it looks like we also have a start date for when we are going to get to go into this acclaimed story again from Bethesda. One that looks like it is going to be a bit of a retelling while also mixing in a few new things for the Fallout story. All on April 12th of 2024. Read More...
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New World Is Delayed Out One More Time Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of August 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
New World Another delay has hit New World after its closed beta and gamers will have to wait just a bit longer to get back into New World Here we go with a bit of bad news and a bit more of a wait, as New World will no longer be hitting our PC before the end of this month. If it feels like this is a familiar kind of update for the title, this is not the first time that Amazon Game Studio has had to do this for this title and we have one more delay. For those who have been waiting for New World to come out in a public way, this is a huge blow but for the rest of us we can just kick up our feet and let the wait continue just a bit more. It is how these delays usually shake out. Read More...
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New World Will Have Us Joining In The Fight For Aeternum This Summer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of May 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
New World Amazon’s MMO, New World, is coming at us and we have a bit of gameplay to sell us on joining in for New World this Summer Here we go with another warm welcome into New World here as we gear up to see if this will be the next big MMO title to suck all of the players in. That has been a huge thing to overcome for a while now and we are almost there to see if it will work for Amazon Game Studio when this title launches out there. Given that New World is hitting out PC on August 31st, there is still some time to get more hype out there and not just through a beta test or stress test that could have players moving in droves. Given that it taking place on July 20th here, it could be something huge or we might see the migration back into the real world wilds put a hold on that for now. Read More...
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Crucible Is Hitting Us Up This Week On Steam
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of May 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Crucible New video for Crucible is here to get us all ready for the release of Crucible over on Steam this week is you want a new F2P shooter Here we go with the latest title from Amazon Game Studio and Relentless Software as Crucible hits us all up on the PC via Steam on May 20th. That would be tomorrow for those not able to keep track of the days as of right now. Crucible also happens to be the next free to play PvP action-shooter some have been waiting for. That should get you all up to date on it all as it has been a bit sparse since the first announcement happened a while back. Read More...
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The Lord Of The Rings Is Getting A New MMO Made
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of July 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
The Lord Of The Rings A new MMO for The Lord Of The Rings is in the works from Amazon Games and will take fans of The Lord Of The Rings back into the adventures they demand For those who have been hoping for another dose of The Lord Of The Rings in a video game form, get ready for a new MMO to hit you from Amazon Game Studios. Yes, the same company that is currently working on a streaming show is working on a new MMO for the PC and console gamers out there. Weirdly enough, it will not have any linking together besides the fact that it all takes place in The Lord Of The Rings universe. Read More...
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SDCC 2017 Experience — The Tick Takeover
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of July 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
The Tick While out at SDCC we had a chance to check out The Tick Takeover off-site event. Here's what we experienced for The Tick Takeover at SDCC 2017 Out at San Diego Comic Con there was a huge push for The Tick's new live action TV series and all the bells and whistles that go with that. It makes perfect sense given the source material coming from the pages of the comics, the convention in general, and the fact that Amazon would really want to push to get as many people looking at the new show as possible. That is of course why they took over a large portion of the off-site real estate out there and set up The Tick Takeover for fans new and old to come and experience what the show would be bringing and also give us all kind of a real world video game to play in the mix. Here's what you may or may not have been able to experience out there all from the perceptions of the team here. Read More...
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Amazon Game Studio Is Bring Us A Trio With New World, Breakaway, And Crucible
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of October 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
New World Three new games have been announced, New World, Breakaway, And Crucible, from Amazon Games Studios and all three have a description and videos for New World, Breakaway, And Crucible It's not every day that we get three titles announced from one developer but TwitchCon is a fun thing and now we have New World, Breakaway, and Crucible to look at. All three of which are in the works from Amazon Game Studio and headed to the PC at some time in the near future. The most interesting part about New World, Breakaway, and Crucible is that it looks like all three will have some pretty intense Twitch add-ins but the full details are still not completely defined just yet. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $600
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Wednesday, 14th of January 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Specs On A Good Gaming PC For Less Than $600. Go Ahead And Give It A Build. Happy New Year everyone! With every new year there will be plenty of triple A titles being released all throughout 2015. So the time seems right to revisit the economical gaming PC building articles, and what better way to do that then with an awesome gaming PC packed full of power that comes in just under $600 dollars. Here's a quick look at this gaming PC's build components. If $600 is too pricing you can also look back at the cheaper previous gaming PC builds. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $500
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Wednesday, 23rd of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Specs On A Good Gaming PC For Less Than $500. Go Ahead And Give It A Build. Our build for today is the under $500 gaming PC. We do have an honorable mention in today's build list which is the NZXT Phantom. I think NZXT makes pretty darn good cases myself and with it being less than $20 more than the case we picked out it will still come in under budget. Case: NZXT Source 210 — $39.99 (The NZXT Phantom will be releasing soon retailing at $70 so keep that in mind. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $400
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Friday, 18th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Specs on a good gaming PC for less than $400. Go Ahead And Give It A Build. Welcome back to all who read the first article. Today we go for a PC that comes in just under $400. Some of you might be wondering a few things like why the cut back from eight gigs of RAM to only four gigs of RAM. Simply put, these articles are about PC builds that come in under a certain price range. Not upgrading. With the increased budget and a few cuts this build is a complete step up in almost every way. Read More...
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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $300
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Thursday, 17th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Our specs for a gaming PC build under $300. Go ahead and give it a build. Hello everyone! Welcome to the first installment of articles showing off a build for an economical PC. Today we are going to focus on the $200 to $300 price range. This is going to be a very low end build. This is a very good for a starter PC, or a PC to do light 3D gaming. Pretty much if you’re looking for a PC to play Minecraft or MMOs then this is the PC for you. When PC gaming on a budget eventually there will come a time when you might want to upgrade some things. Read More...
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