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Bulletstorm VR Offers Us All Up A New Way To Kick Some Ass
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 2nd of June 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Bulletstorm Those looking for more Bulletstorm will get that wish with the announcement for Bulletstorm VR Talk about a game that one would never think would be back and in VR form, with the announcement for Bulletstorm VR. You did read that all correctly there. The game that People Can Fly made so long ago is on the way back in a VR form now. For the PC VR and PSVR2 on the PS5 once it is all ready. All so those that wanted one more way to experience the over-the-top shooting out there in Bulletstorm would have one more chance to do so. Read More...
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Taste The Power & Never Go Back With Outriders Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of April 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Outriders Outriders has launched and with that comes one more taste of power to entice us all to take the dive into Outriders The day is here and we can all give the full version of Outriders a play to see what we might have missed when it came to the demo. My guess is a whole lot, given that it was a demo, but now we can see for certain. That and it lets us get the full vision of what People Can Fly were going for here instead of all of the sizzle. If you needed something else to push you over into the purchase side of things, it does look like we have one more trailer to look at for Outriders that is not a joke at all. Read More...
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Start Chanting The Mantras Of Survival For Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of March 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Outriders More gameplay for Outriders is out there with a new focus on the various gameplay elements we will need to master to survive Outriders There should already be quite a bit of understanding for Outriders and what we are going to have to go through to better survive the game. Most out there should have had a good chance to give the demo a play and can get ready to experience it all before April 1st here. If you are not or do not have all of the time, though, it does look like People Can Fly are looking to help out once more by giving us the mantras to live by in Outriders so we do not just keep dying and needing to repeat the areas until the end of time. That is, we have a listing of the key elements we need to pay attention to in the game here so we can go in with our weapons hot and lives secured from the launch. Read More...
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Outriders Will Have Its Demo Out There Next Week For Multiple Systems
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of February 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Outriders The demo for Outriders will be dropping for us all to experience and get us all hyped up for the full release of Outriders soon April 1st is still a bit away but it does look like we finally have a date when we can all give Outriders a test drive before then. Even down to the hour that we will be able to download and dive into what People Can Fly have put together for us. There are multiple times and spanning across the globe, but it looks like it will all be firing off on February 25th at 9am PST. This will then roll forward for the rest of the world looking to get in on Outriders on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Read More...
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We Will Have A Lot Of Control With The PC Version Of Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of January 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Outriders A new spec video for Outriders shows off all of the features and options we can use to make Outriders play amazing We may have to wait a bit longer for Outriders to drop out there, but it looks like it will be fully worth the wait. More so for those looking to experience the game on their PCs instead of the various consoles we will see it on this April 1st. Not that there was much worry on that as People Can Fly has generally been able to deliver some amazing experiences for us and Outriders looks to be adding to that list. If you had any doubts, though, we have a new breakdown of everything that the PC version will allow us to control for all of the visuals and controls we can expect out there. Read More...
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Outriders Has A New Date To Look For With A Demo On The Way
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of January 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Outriders A new release date is set for Outriders with a demo for Outriders hitting us in February instead of the full title Just as we all thought would happen, it looks like Outriders is now delayed and will be heading to us on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC on April 1st now. Not as a joke, but when it looks like People Can Fly will be able to make sure we have the best version of the game. That is the hope, at least, but we will have to just wait and see for Outriders. That is, unless, you want to give the game a go in a demo form. Read More...
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Outriders Will Have A Lot For Us After The Game Is Over
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of November 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Outriders The next broadcast for Outriders is here to show off a lot of Outriders’ post-campaign content we can expect out there We had the tease for the final class in Outriders at the end of the last broadcast that was put out there. That would be the Technomancer class for those that missed out. Now we are back with the next broadcast from People Can Fly to highlight just what this class will be doing in a world where a good portion of the technology out there has been fried. It looks like they are going to be able to infuse and call in some of that lost tech in Outriders among being able to break some of the basic mechanics that the other classes have to abide by in general. Read More...
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We Shall See Victory In February With Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of October 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Outriders The release date for Outriders is now set down for February of 2021 and we have more details for the next-gen version of Outriders too It looks like we are not going to be seeing Outriders out this year for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, or PC. Not that we had it solidly on any lists of titles that were supposed to be out there for us to enjoy during this year, but I know it was a hope I was having for People Can Fly to deliver us. Thankfully, though, it looks like the wait is not going to be that far off as we now have confirmation that we will be seeing Outriders out there on February 2nd in 2021. That is barring any unforeseen delays that could still happen, but it is the date we can mark down for certain right now. Read More...
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You Will Become Terror With The Technomancer In Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of August 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Outriders The latest Outriders Broadcast has happened as we all have a taste for the final Outriders class to be revealed during it all If you wanted more for Outriders then you are in luck as we have the latest broadcast out there for the game from People Can Fly. The big thing is that we finally have the final character class for the game in the way of the Technomancer. A class that can manipulate the lost technology and gear for the benefit of the team and the reclamation of the planet. Also a bit more on how the class will mix in the long-range and healing capabilities in Outriders when it finally launches on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Read More...
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Go On The Hunt For Some Of The Big Monsters In Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Outriders New gameplay for Outriders is here to give us a bit more on how the Co-Op will function and some of the bosses in Outriders We have had a good showing for a few of the classes and a bit of the world for Outriders and now it is time to take in some of that co-op action we will be experiencing here. That and how we will be hunting down specific monsters in the game's world with the aid of all of our friends. All so we can look flashy and show off all of the big features that People Can Fly are putting together here. Read More...
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The Pyromancer Is Exploding On The Scene For Outriders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of July 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Outriders The next class for Outriders is here as we get to see just what kind of gameplay the Pyromancer will give us in Outriders It feels about right after the explosion day we just had here in the States that we would have an update for Outriders surrounding one of the more explosive aspects. This being the second main class we will get to play in the game that is called the Pyromancer. I am certain this was not something that People Can Fly did not let go unnoticed and thus we are back again. Read More...
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Outriders Is Taking Us Through A New Journey With Its Structure
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of July 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Outriders The next broadcast for Outriders is out there and this time it gives us a look at how traversing the world of Outriders will flow Here we go with another broadcast for Outriders here and we dive a bit further into how we are going to get around the world being built for us in this one. Not only that, but a bit more on how the progression is being set up by People Can Fly so we can flow through the main story but also have reasons to go back when we are done. That is if you are not planning on doing all of the side missions for Outriders right out the gate for it all. Read More...
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Outriders Blasts Us With A Nice Dive Into The World & The Trickster
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of May 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Outriders The first broadcast for Outriders is here to take us into the world of Outriders and how we will be able to use the Trickster when in the game The first broadcast for Outriders is out there for us all to consume now as People Can Fly take us further into their new and upcoming shooter for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC. There is still no date for when we will actually get to fire off some rounds or special attacks in the game, but that does not stop us from having a nice and long bit of footage to look at. Not only from the game itself but also a little bit of a dive into one of the core classes that has been announced for Outriders here. Read More...
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Outriders Lets Us Know A Little Bit More For Its Class Of Characters
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of April 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Outriders A few new short clips for Outriders have been released to give us a small taste of what some of the classes in Outriders will bring We have a new and small update for Outriders to go over here today. Well, more of an emphasis on small than anything as we have had a few short video clips released out there in the wilds of twitter from People Can Fly so they can highlight parts of the character classes we are going to get to play in the game. Even though we only have three of the four classes currently, we have short looks at them here for Outriders to see how some of their abilities will work in the game, as well as how they will look. Some are more explosive than others with the pun fully intended there for it all. Read More...
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Outriders Offers Up A New Look At The Lands Of Enoch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of March 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Outriders A new look at Outriders is here with a new look at some of the environments of Outriders running in-engine Sometimes it is nice to get a big showing for games and sometimes it is nice to get smaller things as we have for Outriders today. Not that what we have is on the shorter side of it all, but it focuses more on the environments that People Can Fly are building for us to run around in while playing the game. Something that I am sure has a lot of you thinking about moving on from right now instead of powering on through. I mean, given that Outriders is going to be another of those titles that will usher in the PS5 and Xbox Series X, it is nice to see just where things may be heading in the visuals. Read More...
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