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Outriders Has A New Release Window & Coming To More Platforms
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of February 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Outriders The release window for Outriders has been updated and it looks like we could see more gameplay for Outriders this week It is time to check in on Outriders again as it has been some time since last we did and did not have all that much to check in on. Now we are back and have something from People Can Fly and Square Enix for the game and…again, it is not too much to go on for the game. On the plus side, we do have word now that Outriders will be heading to the PS5 and Xbox Series X on top of the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. On another downside, this does mean that the game will not be coming until the holiday season of 2020 now instead of the Summer of 2020 that was given to the game before. Read More...
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Nascence Could Be Driving Our Fears & Expand A Universe
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of February 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Nascence A new psychological horror title, Nascence, is coming from the Anna developer and potentially leading to a Nascence — Anna’s Songs universe It looks like we will not be short on horror video games this year as we now have Nascence to add to the list of titles that are coming. Surprisingly enough, this one is listed as a PC and Next-Gen title so we might have another PS5 and Xbox Series X title to look forward to. Which will be interesting, as it is also a follow up to Dreampainters' last title Anna. In fact, Nascence looks to kick off a new anthology or expanded universe type franchise titled Anna's Songs. Read More...
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Resident Evil 8 Rumors Are Flying With Some Interesting Notes
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 29th of January 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Resident Evil New Resident Evil rumors are abound with reports of a Resident Evil 8 being in the works with some interesting changes that could come to the IP We are all still awaiting the release of the upcoming remake for Resident Evil 3 and here we go with new rumors for the next title in the franchise. Still rumored entry into the franchise as none of this is confirmed directly from Capcom as of yet, but comes from a few sources that have been verified in the past by other outlets. That means take everything you are about to read with some salt and do not hold it as gospel. Read More...
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Possible Gameplay Has Leaked Out For The Upcoming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of January 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Godfall New video is out there that may potentially show off Godfall in action as we all eagerly wait for more to go on for just how Godfall will actually look Just about a month ago, we all were introduced to Godfall, the first title announced for the PS5. The Looter-slasher being crafted by Counterplay Games and Gearbox Publishing. Not much more than the basics were shown off for the game back then, but that did not stop gamers from buzzing and wanting to see more. For all the various reasons. Read More...
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New Details For The PlayStation 5 Came Out Of CES Along With Its Logo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of January 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
PlayStation 5 The official PlayStation 5 logo was revealed during CES this year as well as a bit more on the PlayStation hardware features Time for some of the lease interesting news to come out of CES today, as it looks like we now have the official logo for the PlayStation 5 to look at. It was all shown off during the Sony Press Conference that opening the show this week in Las Vegas, NV. During part of the show, Jim Ryan from Sony took the stage and gave us the most generic logo that could fit the PlayStation 5 imaginable. Not that it is a bad thing at all, but it is not something that will blow our minds. Read More...
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Godfall Aims To Stop The Apocalypse When The PS5 Launches
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of December 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Godfall A new IP, Godfall, was announced and now we have some new details for Godfall and how it will all flow out into the world For those not paying close attention to the world of gaming out there, we have our first PS5 title announced with Godfall as it is aiming to come at the same time the console launches. It is also going to be hitting the PC via the Epic Store at the same time, but that does not make as big of a splash for many out there. Even if you should be keeping a close eye on what Counterplay Games has here for us with Godfall. Read More...
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Add More Buttons To Your DualShock 4 With The Back Button Attachment
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of December 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
DualShock The DualShock 4 is getting a few more buttons available with the new DualShock 4 Back Button Attachment coming soon If you are one of those gamers out there that though the current DualShock 4 was missing a few button options, then you will be excited to see the latest addition coming for the controller. Hells, if you are one of those pro gamers that need yet another reason to wrap your fingers further around the device, then you will be glad to see this new item coming on January 23rd of next year. Here we are talking about the DualShock 4 Back Button Attachment that was announced, which will give you two more options when playing your PS4 games. Read More...
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PlayStation 5 Is On Its Way To Us In The Holidays Of 2020
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of October 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
A new update for the next PlayStation is here and we can look for the PlayStation 5 to come at us next holiday season We all knew it was coming and now we can confirm that the PlayStation 5 will be on its way to us by the holidays of next year. About the same style of timeline we have had with each of the others in the past and it is happening yet again. Just in 2020 and with the latest console that we have been given so little bout to date. Even with this new announcement, there is still so little known about the PlayStation 5 and just what it will bring. Read More...
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