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Things Are Going To Get A Bit More Colorful With Dreampainters
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of February 2025 - 08:00 PM ]
Dreampainters A new puzzle title, Dreampainters, has been revealed with Dreampainters taking some great steps from other giant games If there is one thing we love around here, it is a good puzzle game, and that is what it looks like we are going to be getting with the reveal of Dreampainters. A title that sounds like it would be closer to the likes of Splatoon or Concrete Genie, but as we are seeing from Stability Games and Frozen District, it is something quite a bit different. Almost as if they took some of the better aspects of Portal, and made that into a full game. From the reveal that we have for Dreampainters, that is truly what it looks and feels like we might be seeing on the PC in the future here. Read More...
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Nascence Could Be Driving Our Fears & Expand A Universe
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of February 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Nascence A new psychological horror title, Nascence, is coming from the Anna developer and potentially leading to a Nascence — Anna’s Songs universe It looks like we will not be short on horror video games this year as we now have Nascence to add to the list of titles that are coming. Surprisingly enough, this one is listed as a PC and Next-Gen title so we might have another PS5 and Xbox Series X title to look forward to. Which will be interesting, as it is also a follow up to Dreampainters' last title Anna. In fact, Nascence looks to kick off a new anthology or expanded universe type franchise titled Anna's Songs. Read More...
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